
nǚ qún
  • skirt;gown;jupe
女裙[nǚ qún]
  1. 由加拿大一些艺术家与工程师组成的团队MakeFashion花了五年时间设计GamerGirls这类妙趣横生的女裙——它能根据输赢结果变换颜色。

    Make Fashion , agroup of Canadian artists and engineers , have spent five years creating playfuldesigns such as Gamer Girls dresses - where the dress changes depending onwhether they win or lose .

  2. 初次亮相舞会的弗朗西斯卡(FrancescaPackerBarham)的母亲格雷特尔•帕克(GretelPacker)则身穿澳洲设计师简•希尔(JaneHill)设计的黑色艳丽女裙,站在一旁驻足观望。

    Gretel Packer , mother of deb Francesca Packer Barham , looked on in a voluptuous dark dress by Australian designer Jane Hill .

  3. 舞会临近结束时,身穿迪奥女裙的凯拉•肯尼迪脱去自己的高跟鞋,然后缓缓地躺到红地毯上,动作优雅之极。拉夫•西蒙斯(RafSimons)冰蓝色长裙的卷曲褶皱如朵朵浮云散落在她身旁四周。

    Towards the end of the evening , the Dior-clad Kyra Kennedy kicked off her heels and sank gracefully on to the carpeted floor , the crispy folds of her ice-blue gown , designed by Raf Simons , splayed in a voluminous cloud around her .

  4. 女裙斜裁模型及其应用;

    Bias cut of dress models and its application examples ;

  5. 这一点经常可以从女裙长度的变化得到体现。

    This is often illustrated in the changing length of women 's skirts .

  6. 拉斯维加斯几乎所有的女裙都是他做的,雪儿席琳胡萝卜缨(喜剧演员)

    He does all the gowns in Vegas.Cher , Celine , Carrot Top .

  7. 这些女裙减价出售,毛病均向顾客指出。

    The skirts are sold at reduced prices , the defects being pointed out to the customers .

  8. 这种紧随潮流的女裙,柔软、摇曳,穿上它,令人舍不得脱下。

    This fashionaBle skirt goes with the trend , soft and swaying . You would hate to take it off you .

  9. 唐代的女裙工艺精美、色彩艳丽,形成了独特的“裙文化”。

    Skirts in the Tang Dynasty were tine in craftsmanship and bright in color and therefore formed a unique skirt culture .

  10. 五层的服饰更加时尚、价格更优惠,它们都是肖莎娜和西奥莉等设计师的收藏品,女裙多数在250美元以下。

    The5th floor has more fashionable , less expensive collections from designers like Shoshanna and Theory ; dresses are mostly under $ 250 .

  11. 他是个杰出人物&一位勇敢的联邦爱国人士,我常常从他那里为南部联盟购买军械和有裙箍的女裙。

    A splendid fellow & one of the staunch union patriots from whom I used to buy muskets and hoop skirts for the confederacy .

  12. 10天后,店里几乎所有的饰件都已销售一空,即便在店关停后,我仍接到不少女性来电,她们想要定购有些款式的女裙。

    After 10 days , almost all the accessories were gone and , even after we closed up , I was getting calls from women who had decided they wanted to order dresses .

  13. 腰垫女裙后面腰部以下的蝴蝶结、细腰窄裙或束在一起的布料细腰女人生育能力强是因为细腰与雌激素分泌旺盛有关。

    A bow , peplum , or gathering of material at the back of a woman 's skirt below the waist . Fertility is indicated because a narrow waist is linked to higher oestrogen levels .