
  • 网络bambara;Toni Cade Bambara;Moise Bambara;BAMANA
  1. 亚洲防灾中心表示,这样的传统作物能够抵抗经常袭击菲律宾岛的强烈风暴。联合国表示,在持久干旱期,非洲农民种植班巴拉花生。这种抗干旱作物的种子可以煮来食用或者制成粉末。

    The Asian Disaster Preparedness Center says traditional crops like these can survive the storms that often strike the islands .

  2. 在夏天的一个晚上,我在校园里散步,遇到她便一起边走边聊,才知道她自己的语言是法语和马里本国的班巴拉语。

    One evening in summer , while I was wondering in the campus with her , I was told that she was spoken in French and banballae , one of her local languages .