
  • 网络Bandy;Bandit;Bundi
  1. 他的“班迪熊猫”在北京时装周上展出后在全国范围内引起了熊猫作为友好的形象是否被滥用的关注。

    His Bandi-Panda fashion show at China Fashion Week sparked nationwide concern that the panda 's image as a friendly symbol was being abused .

  2. 贾兰穆拉罕曾是塔布里·扎马特的一员,他们是德奥班迪派的一个团体,每年都会在拉合尔附近,莱文德的总部举办一场很盛大的集会,数百万人会前往参加。

    The mufti on Khushal Street was a member of Tablighi Jamaat , a Deobandi group that holds a huge rally every year at its headquarters in Raiwind , near Lahore , attended by millions of people .