
  1. 我可以保证,我在你校修满研究生课程后,就立即回中国。

    I can assure you that as soon as I have completed my studies as a graduate student in your university , I will return to china .

  2. 如果您是香港公开大学学生的话,请问您已在本校修读了多久?(非公开大学同学不用回答此题。)

    If you are a OUHK student , how long have you studied in the University ?( Non-OUHK student is not required to answer this question . )

  3. 本人毕业于玉达商校,日前即修完T大商业科。

    I am a graduate of Yu Da Commercial School , and have recently completed the business course at the T. University of Commerce .