
ēn wēi bìnɡ shī
  • 熟语temper justice with mercy
  1. 他们是政党的“执行者”,通过恩威并施的方式让党内成员按照该政党的官方政策进行投票,同时确保在有重要投票时党内代表都能参加。

    Whips are a party 's " enforcers " , who typically offer inducements and threaten punishments for party members to ensure that they vote according to the official party policy . A whip 's role is also to ensure that the elected representatives of their party are in attendance when important votes are taken .

  2. 他对手下人恩威并施。

    He manages his people by alternating kindness with cruelty .

  3. 奖赏制度不过是恩威并施的手段而已。

    But the reward system is only means of Mathias .

  4. 隋文帝时期,对高句丽采取恩威并施的政策,致使双方关系以和为主。

    Emperor Wen period Koguryo take the policy of incentives and penalties , resulting in bilateral relations and the main .

  5. 他治军事必躬亲,赏罚分明,恩威并施,突出精神教育,意在树立个人威信。

    Running the army hands , reward and punishment , incentives and penalties , highlighting the spirit of education , intended to establish personal credibility .

  6. 史蒂文斯对主要由中国学生组成的听众恩威并施地说:我们都是很有独创性的,那就意味着我们永远不会作弊。

    We are original , so that means we never cheat ! Dr. Stevens told the audience of primarily Chinese students , mixing compliments and warnings .

  7. 印度已然是南亚大象,但为提高地区亲和力,印度从策略上对宿敌巴基斯坦恩威并施,给其它四邻小国以利益打动;

    After the cold war , India as a " Giant Elephant " dominated South Asia , but in order to improve regional affinity , India still makes a combined use of favors and disfavors to Pakistan , gives other near countries interests ;