
ēn qíng
  • loving-kindness;love;kindness;favor;debt
恩情 [ēn qíng]
  • [favor] 施惠人给受惠人的好处,恩惠情谊

恩情[ēn qíng]
  1. 也因此到现在,我还是无法报答母亲的恩情!

    To now , I still have no way to repay mother 's loving-kindness also therefore !

  2. 更要命的是,他们对有多大的恩情,这个情好像是驴打滚的高利货似的,永远也还不清呀。

    How old fataler being , they loving-kindness having to you , you cannot pay off forever also seems to be the snowballing usury high interest goods this feeling .

  3. 我永远报答不尽你的恩情。

    I owe you a debt of gratitude which I shall never be able to repay .

  4. 您对我的恩情使我终身铭感。

    I will be deeply grateful to you for your kindness for the rest of my life .

  5. 我很高兴,欠了你那么大恩情。

    I have a pleasure in owing you so immense a debt .

  6. 在演唱《BetterMan》的时候,她说“是LittleBigTown让我有机会感受,能够在布鲁伯德现场表演一首你可能在收音机里才能听到的歌。他们的恩情我会一直铭记感激。”

    she said " Better Man " when she performed the song . " Little Big Town gave me the opportunity to feel that way ... to be at the Bluebird and play a song you 've maybe heard on the radio . I will always be forever grateful to them for that . "

  7. 她从来没想过那只鹿会记得她的恩情。

    She never imagined that the deer could remember her kindness .

  8. 我会一直记着欠他们的恩情。

    I 'll always think of what I owe to them .

  9. 我们要怎么样做才能报答他的恩情。

    How can we thank him for all his doing .

  10. 但愿我们能够报答你的恩情。

    I wish we could repay our debt of gratitude to you .

  11. 只要我还活着,我决不忘记你的恩情。

    I shall never forget your kindness as long as I live .

  12. 党的恩情似海深。

    The kindness of the party is as deep as the sea .

  13. 党的恩情比天高。

    The party 's bounty is vaster than the skies .

  14. 但是,大象没有忘记木匠们的恩情。

    But the Elephant did not forget the kindness of the Carpenters .

  15. 我欠他慷慨相助的恩情。

    I was in debt to him for his help .

  16. 她的恩情象海那样没有边际。

    Her bounty was as infinite as the sea .

  17. 他为了报答简的恩情而帮助她母亲。

    He repaid his debt of gratitude to Jane by helping her mother .

  18. 这份恩情是无法偿还的

    There is no way to repay that debt .

  19. 阿贝沙隆对胡瑟说:「这是你对你朋友的恩情吗?

    And Absalom said to him : Is this thy kindness to thy friend ?

  20. 请您一定收下。我不过想回报您的恩情。

    Please , I insist , I 'm just trying to repay your kindnesses .

  21. 他记起一位朋友昔日的恩情

    He remembered past kindness of a friend

  22. 你的恩情我永世都无法还清了

    I am forever indebted to you .

  23. 今夜我思念他们,他们对我的恩情比山高、比海深。

    I miss them tonight , and know that my debt to them is beyond measure .

  24. 我们应该学会把伤害写在沙地上,而把恩情刻在石头上。

    Learn to write you hurts in the sand and to carve your blessings in stone .

  25. 这一天人们感激天主赐予他们一切的祝愿和恩情。

    It is a time , when mankind thanks God for all his blessings and grace .

  26. 再三的求我们,准他们在这供给圣徒的恩情上有分;

    They urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing in this service to the saints .

  27. 要是他们最终落脚于同一个监狱分区的话,拉贾拉特南或许能够投桃报李,回报他的恩情。

    Perhaps Rajaratnam will be able to do him some favors if they find themselves on the same cellblock .

  28. 好施散的,有多人求他的恩情。爱送礼的,人都为他的朋友。

    Many will intreat the favour of the prince : and every man is a friend to him that giveth gifts .

  29. 他舅舅和他都欠董贝先生的恩情;这份恩情还是沃尔特亲自去恳求来的。

    His Uncle and he lay under a great obligation to Mr Dombey , which was of Walter 's own soliciting .

  30. 恩情只能用恩情来还,而不是用一句“谢谢”说说就行了。

    Kindness can only be repaid with kindness . It can 't be repaid with expressions like ' thank you . "