
  1. 提示从Y-G人格测验中提取护士人格特异性指标具有可行性;优秀护士人格特质的特异性指标可折射其性格类型、对开发护士职业心理素质研究的应用工具有一定价值。

    Moreover , the specific indexes of excellent nurses could indicate their character types , which had certain value for developing the applied tool of nurses ' vocational psychological quality .

  2. 结果护士职业心理素质有待强化。

    Result The nurses ' professional psychological quality need to be intensified .

  3. 护生职业心理素质培养的实践

    Practice of training of professional psychological quality of nursing students

  4. 护士职业心理素质现状及强化措施

    Study on the current situation and improvement measures of nurses ' professional psychological quality

  5. 职业心理素质及其培训

    The Quality of Professional Psychology and Its Training

  6. 护士职业心理素质调查分析

    A survey of nurse 's occupational mental capability

  7. 浅谈大学生职业心理素质的培养

    The Professional Psychological Qualities Training of Students

  8. 针对高职生的职业心理素质特点,提出有针对性的教育对策与方法。

    The author proposed targeted education strategies and methods for vocational students ' vocational mental characteristics .

  9. 我国护士职业心理素质研究现状和思考

    Current Status of the Research on Professional Psychological Quality of Nurses in China and its Reflection

  10. 研究公务员职业心理素质,对于政府部门的公务员管理工作有重要意义。

    This study explores the framework and content of vocational mental qualities for Chinese civil servants .

  11. 目的强化护士职业心理素质,为病人提供更优质的服务。

    Objective To intensify the nurses ' professional psychological quality and provide the better services for patients .

  12. 由此提示,护理教育工作应重视护生在临床实习期间的心理健康、自信心及应对能力的培养,并加强培养护生的护士职业心理素质。

    So , the nursing educators should value training the nursing students ' mental health , self-confidence and coping ability during the clinic practice period .

  13. 结论手术室操作模拟训练教学法有助于学生动手能力、职业心理素质及综合能力的培养。

    Conclusion Operating room manipulation mimic training teaching method was helpful to train the manipulating ability , professional mental quality and compressive ability of the nursing students .

  14. 加强青年教师队伍建设,培养、提高高职院校青年教师职业心理素质,直接关系到高等职业教育的可持续发展。

    To strengthen the construction of youth teachers ' team and improve the vocational psychology of youth teachers in vocational college is in direct connection with the everlasting development of vocational higher education .

  15. 武警反恐分队官兵的心理学研究有利于官兵增强适应反恐这&特殊职业的心理素质,提高武警反恐分队官兵整体心理健康水平,具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    AIM Psychological studies on anti-terrorism armed policemen are useful for building up psychological quality of acclimatizing themselves to special work and improving their mental health status . This is important both for theory and practice .

  16. 高、中等职业院校学生心理素质教育初探

    Primary Research in Developing Psychology Quality Education of College and Secondary Professional School Students

  17. 为人诚实可信,亲和力强,吃苦耐劳,能承受压力。具有良好的职业素养,心理素质及机高的工作效率。

    Honest , easy-going , hard-working and able to work under pressure ; Well trained in vocational ethic , good mentality and high work efficiency .

  18. 并综合前人研究成果与本人调查分析,归纳了啤酒营销岗位人员所应具备的基本素质,从职业道德、心理素质、职业知识、基本技能和身体素质五个方面体现。

    And the comprehensive research and investigation , I summarized beer sales positions should have the basic qualities , professional ethics , and from the psychological quality , professional knowledge , skills and physical qualities from five aspects .

  19. 我国职业驾驶员心理、生理素质状况调查分析

    Study on the Physical and Psychological Quality of Professional Driver in China

  20. 封闭式管理下的中等职业学校学生在心理素质、社会交往能力、动手能力和创新能力等方面在封闭的状态下发展是畸形发展。

    Secondary vocational school students may suffer deformed development in mental quality , sociability , practical ability , and innovative ability in a closed state .

  21. 提高职业中专学生的心理素质、加强职业中专学生心理健康教育已成为现代中等职业学校的重要任务。

    With the improvement of the day and development of society , as the most important role of modern school , enhancing technical secondary school students ' mental health and strengthening technical secondary school students ' mental health education draw more and more people 's attention .

  22. 方法通过对护士心理健康水平、职业应对能力及身心耗竭的调查,分析总结护士职业心理素质现状。

    Method Through investigation on nurses ' psychological health level , professional coping abilities and physical and mental exhaustion to analyze the current situation of nurses ' professional psychological quality .

  23. 随着学术职业化的快速发展,我国学术人的专业发展和职业心理素质培养问题得到了日益广泛的关注和研究。

    With the development of academic vocational , our academic professional development and cultivation of professional psychological qualities gets extensive concern .

  24. 目前,我国大学生职业素质存在着很多突出的问题,大学生自身方面的主要表现为职业心理素质较差、职业目标不明确、对现代职场认知不足以及就业形势把握不准确问题。

    At present , there are many outstanding university students professional quality problems . Regarding to the students themselves , they mainly present in professional psychological quality poor , career goals not clear , acknowledge on modern workplace inadequate and the employment situation not accurately grasp .

  25. 而教师的职业认同也日益引起人们的兴趣,因为这与教师的职业发展、职业行为和职业心理素质有很大的关系。

    Due to its close relation with teachers ' professional development , professional behavior and professional psychological quality , the teachers ' professional identity also increasingly get more attractive .