
  • 网络professional wrestling;Pro Wrestling
  1. 同时,USANetwork的收视率在第二季度下跌了10%,因为其重播节目以及美国职业摔角赛(此外还有一些原创系列节目)都输给了NBA总决赛。

    Meanwhile , USA Network saw its ratings decline by 10 % in the second quarter as its schedule of reruns and WWE wrestling ( along with some original series ) lost out to the NBA finals .

  2. 据报道,美国职业摔角联盟CEOLindaMcmahon正在筹划明年竞选康涅狄格州参议员。WWE发言人告诉《哈特福德科伦特报》(TheHartfordCourant),McMahon正在考虑竞选明年的共和党提名,目前该职位由民主党员ChristopherDodd担任。

    World Wrestling Entertainment CEO Linda Mcmahon is reportedly a run for Senate in Connecticut next year , and WWE spokesman tells Hartford Courant newspaper that McMahon is considering a run for the Republican nomination for the seat currently held by Democrat Christopher Dodd .

  3. 布什以45862次编辑位居榜首,领先排名第二的美国职业摔角人员名单3000次。

    Bush topped the list with 45862 edits , coming in about 3000 edits ahead of the World Wrestling Entertainment roster page .