
tiào shéng
  • rope skipping;skipping-rope;jumping rope;skip
跳绳 [tiào shéng]
  • (1) [rope skipping]∶一项民间体育活动,由跳绳者自己或由另外两个人持绳子两头,围绕跳绳者从头到脚转圈摇绳或在跳绳者脚下左右两边摇绳来连续跳过绳子

  • (2) [skipping-rope;jumping rope]∶民间跳绳活动所用的绳子;艺术体操运动用的一种绳子

跳绳[tiào shéng]
  1. 在远处,一些女孩在跳绳。

    In the distance there 're some girls doing rope skipping .

  2. 单线货运索道跳绳报警装置的研究及应用

    Study and application of alarm device for rope skipping of the single-lined freight ropeway

  3. 她喜欢以跳绳来热身。

    She likes to skip rope as a warm-up .

  4. 姑娘们在操场上跳绳。

    The girls were skipping in the playground .

  5. 他们又是跳绳,又是玩接球,等着上课铃声响起。

    They skip rope and play catch , waiting for the bell .

  6. 外面孩子们一边跳绳一边唱着歌。

    Outside , children were skipping and singing a rhyme

  7. 因为Drew要教我如何跳花式跳绳

    Because Drew 's gonna teach me how to double Dutch .

  8. 首先是在唐娜•萨默(DonnaSummer)HotStuff乐曲伴奏下的跳绳比赛。

    First was a skipping rope competition , undertaken to Hot Stuff by Donna Summer .

  9. Drew我准备好让你教我花式跳绳了

    Drew , I 'm ready for you to teach me how to double Dutch .

  10. 熊妹妹,Pam和Patty一起跳绳。

    Sister , Pam and Patty are jumping rope .

  11. high-impact就是高强度的。高强度的有氧锻炼一般是指在运动中双脚都会离地的运动,比如说跳绳,跑步。

    High-impact which means both your feet leave the ground simultaneously during the workout , so running , jumping rope , skipping , and things like that .

  12. 他们还考虑跳绳时和音乐配合得怎样。

    They also considered whether skipping went well with the music .

  13. 看孩子们玩跳绳我很惬意。

    It rests me to watch the kids play skip rope .

  14. 我也是。有时我喜欢跳绳。

    Me , too ! And sometimes I like to skip .

  15. 花样跳绳高小红得分最高。

    Gao Xiaohong got the highest score in fancy rope jumping .

  16. 他们正在骑车,他们正在跳绳。

    They 're riding bikes . They 're jumping rope .

  17. 矿井提升绳弦横振动及跳绳现象分析

    Jumping and vibration analysis of string of hoisting wire rope

  18. 克兰西介绍说,无绳跳绳手柄中可以移动的重物会让使用者觉得是有绳索在移动。

    They simulate the feel of a rope moving , Clancy said .

  19. 跳绳一分钟可以燃烧大约11卡路里的热量。

    You burn approximately 11 calories a minute jumping rope .

  20. 嗨!看我!我在跳绳。

    Hi there ! Watch me ! I 'm skipping .

  21. 玛丽穿上大衣,拿起跳绳,

    Mary put her coat on and took the skipping-rope .

  22. 我喜欢玩布娃娃和跳绳。

    I like to play with my doll and my skipping rope .

  23. 跳绳致双足第三跖骨疲劳骨折1例

    Third metatarsal bone fatigue fractures of both feet caused by rope skipping

  24. 跳绳是一项很好的保健活动。

    Jumping rope is a good exercise to keep fit .

  25. 看!迈克正在操场上跳绳。

    Look ! Mike is jumping rope on the playground .

  26. 找一间空办公室,模仿跳绳的动作一分钟。

    Find an empty office and simulate jumping rope for one minute .

  27. 跳绳我们来玩跳绳。

    jump rope Let 's play with this jump rope .

  28. 三个充满活力的小女孩正在操场上跳绳。

    Three energetic little girls were skipping in the playground .

  29. 这两根跳绳一样长。

    These two skipping ropes are the same length .

  30. 我看见小马车,跳绳,和娃娃。

    I see wagons , ropes , and dolls .