- 网络etruscan;Etruria

Etruscan : a native or inhabitant of ancient Etruria .
Pictured is the Wheel of the Etruscan chariot ( ca. 530 BC )
Income from the lets is , for example , being used to fund the only privately sponsored archeological dig in Italy , an excavation of Etruscan remains on the site .
Superstitious Etruscans employed weather watchers as advisers .
Sixty thousand pollute the Yyrrhenian Sea between sardinia , siily and the west Italian coast !
The Etruscans built a great temple to Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill and drained the forum area .
The 2500-year-old vessels had characteristics of wine bottles used by the Etruscans in what 's now Italy .
To the time of the Etruscan civilization , in fact , located in modern Italy between the eighth and fourth centuries B.C.
Meteorology has advanced considerably since the Etruscans'day & But as we all know , it is still more an art than a science .
Researchers looked at 13 Etruscan amphoras that had been excavated whole in the French coastal town of Lattara , an ancient import-export center .
War was the next step into Rome 's evolution , and not long after both the Greeks and Etruscans were gone from the mainland .
The Etruscans not only pick and choose those elements Greek art that please them , but they also make those elements very much their own .
From the Greeks to the south it received a model of religion and architecture , while the Etruscans to the north offered the gift of trade .
There are the rare Etruscan sarcophagi discovered in Geneva by Italian police two years ago , found among 45 crates of looted antiquities , some still wrapped in Italian newspapers from the 1970s .
Together with its two main islands Sicily and Sardinia it creates distinct bodies of water , such as the Adriatic Sea to the north-east , the Ionian Sea to the south-east , the Tyrrhenian Sea to the south-west and finally the Ligurian Sea to the north-west .
A lot of evidence suggests that the Etruscans were the first to create false teeth as early as 700 B.C. Ancient skulls have been discovered with gold bands inside them , and in Marzabotto , a skull was found with an artificial tooth still attached using gold wire .