
  • 网络ima;IRMA;EMA;IMMA
  1. 卢旺达政府称,尼泽伊玛纳后来加入了刚果边境的反叛组织FDLR,严重影响平民的生活。

    It says he later joined a rebel group across the border in Congo , the FDLR , which has been wreaking havoc on the civilian population .

  2. 伊玛问我想不想要传统服饰纱丽克米兹,我点点头。

    Yma asked me if I would like shalwar kamiz and I nodded .

  3. 非常感谢你的问题,它确实需要一个冗长的回答,事实上阐述四大伊玛目的历史确实需要大量的笔墨。

    Thanks a lot for this question that requires really lengthy answer , as in fact telling the story of the four main Imams needs volumes indeed .

  4. 黑龙江省达斡尔、鄂伦春、赫哲族的“乌钦”、“摩苏昆”、“伊玛堪”是民间群众喜闻乐见的说唱形式。

    The " talking and singing music " of " Wuqin "," Mosukun "," Yimakan " is very popular among Tour , Oroqen and Roche minorities in Heilongjiang Province .

  5. 就像其他城镇和村庄一样,伊玛有几口井。水井祷告仪式从一口井传到另一口井。

    Eyam , like many of the towns and villages , has several wells and a a short procession from well to well is carried out during the blessing of the wells .

  6. 我告诉伊玛我喜欢大自然,因此她安排了两名员工,带我和母亲去伯明翰植物园郊游,那里距离医院不远。

    I told Yma that I loved nature so she arranged for two staff to take me and my mother on an outing to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens , not far from the hospital .

  7. 伊玛丁记载说,在谢尔库赫的短暂哀悼期内,埃及宫廷经历了“意见不一”,赞吉埃米尔们此后选择了萨拉丁并迫使哈里发“任命他为维齐尔”。

    " Imad ad-Din wrote that after the brief mourning period of Shirkuh , during which " opinions differed ", the Zengid emirs decided upon Saladin and forced the caliph to " invest him as vizier .

  8. 但仅仅八分钟之后,伊拉克的伊玛德利用中国队的防守失误攻入一球,亚洲杯冠军伊拉克队扳平比分。

    But only eight minutes later , Iraq , the reigning Asian Cup champion , levelled the score through striker Ridha Emad , who cashed in on China 's defensive error and headed the ball into China 's goal .