
  • 网络flickered flame
  1. 跳动的火焰;孩子们高兴地跳起了舞蹈。

    Dancing flames ; the children danced with joy .

  2. 翻腾的波浪、跳动的火焰.短波&跳天波多普勒频移和展宽的变化

    Leaping waves , flames , etc Variations of Doppler Shift and Spread for HF One-hop Skywave

  3. 翻腾的波浪、跳动的火焰.轮船加速时,螺旋桨转动,浪花翻滚。

    Leaping waves , flames , etc The ship 's propellers churned up the water as it increased speed .

  4. 岸边一丛红红的枫叶,被船上的渔火隐隐地映出,在微风中悄悄地摇曳,像一团跳动的火焰。

    At the shore , a cluster of maple leaves , red as fire , swayed in the breeze of the night , like a dancing fire .

  5. 但我努力不把这种害怕表现出来,于是我坐在扶手椅上,紧握双拳,紧盯着对面壁炉里跳动的火焰。

    However , I attempted not to reveal this , as I sat with clenched fists upon that armchair , gazing into the leaping flames opposite my position in that library .

  6. 深深一呼吸,那青草的清新掺杂着泥土的气息扑入鼻内。万点萤火虫在草地中上下闪动着丝丝的亮光,像跳动的火焰。

    A deep breath , then mixed with the soil fresh grass breath came into my nose.10000 points up and down flashing fireflies in the grass with delicate light , like the dancing flames .