
tiào yuè
  • jump;hop;leap;skip;dance;bound;caper;gambol;gambado
跳跃 [tiào yuè]
  • [jump;leap;bound;skip] 两脚用力离开原地向上或向前跳

跳跃[tiào yuè]
  1. 猫儿蹲踞在草丛中,准备跳跃。

    The cat crouched in the grass , poised to jump .

  2. 有谁听说过篮球运动员不需要跳跃的吗?

    Whoever heard of a basketball player who doesn 't need to jump ?

  3. 马并不是天生就善于跳跃的。

    Horses are not natural jumpers .

  4. 小波浪跳跃着,在阳光下闪闪发光。

    Small breakers sprang up , sparkling in the sun .

  5. 小羊在田里跳跃。

    The lambs were skipping about in the fields .

  6. 我们看见一条大马哈鱼在那边瀑布中跳跃。

    We saw a salmon jumping in the waterfall there .

  7. 人们欢呼着,跳跃着。

    People were cheering and jumping up and down .

  8. 这匹马的跳跃姿态优美。

    The horse had a fine jumping action .

  9. 那匹马跳跃过木头障碍物。

    The horse jumped over the wooden barrier .

  10. 原生植物恢复机,灰狐也再次无忧无虑地在岛上跳跃。

    Native plants are coming back , and the fox once again bounds about carefree .

  11. 鸟有三种步态:行走、奔跑和跳跃。

    Birds use three gaits : walking , running and hopping .

  12. 跳跃时,双脚几乎是同时移动的。

    In hopping , the feet move almost at the same time .

  13. 所有的动物都在这个面积达125英亩的美丽花园里快乐地飞翔、跳跃和玩耍。

    All are flying , jumping and playing happily in 125 acres of wonderful gardens .

  14. 中型和大型鸟类行走速度较慢,但以较快的速度奔跑或跳跃。

    Middle-sized and large birds walk at low speed and either run or hop at higher speed .

  15. 似乎鸟在树上待的时间越久,就越有可能跳跃。

    It seems that the more time a bird spends in trees , the more likely it is to hop .

  16. 在一棵树上,一根细树枝和另一根细树枝之间可能相隔很宽,所以走不是一个好的选择。但是,每一根小树枝上都有足够的空间让双脚并排站立,所以似乎应该跳跃。

    Perhaps there is wide space in a tree between one thin branch and the next , so walking is not a good choice , while on each small branch there is enough room to set both feet down side by side , so hopping seems to make sense .

  17. 会对初升的朝阳欢呼跳跃

    You will cheer for the rising sun

  18. 牛仔竞技表演中一匹弓背跳跃的野马

    a bucking bronco in the rodeo

  19. 主人出去吃晚饭或午饭,每次都要给小狗带回好吃的东西,这时他就会在主人身旁欢快地跳跃,以博取主人的欢心。

    The master seldom went out to dine or to super without bringing him something nice to eat when he jumped about him in a pleasant manner .

  20. 他在空气中跳跃着,转了几个圈儿,又跑了几步,才停了下来,四处搜寻着,嗅着午后的气息,不久,他向果园走去。

    He gave a jump in the air , twirled , ran a few steps , stopped , looked all around , sniffed1 the smells of afternoon , and then set off walking down through the orchard2 .

  21. 跳房子Hopscotch4跳房子是一种流行操场游戏,玩家将一个小物体抛到地面上标了数字的三角形或者一组矩形里,然后在这些形状里跳跃并取回物体。

    Hopscotch is a popular playground game in which players toss a small object into numbered triangles or a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop3 or jump through the spaces and retrieve5 the object .

  22. 竞技武术套路中旋风脚B级跳跃连接难度动作的研究

    Study on the Landing Stability of Tornado Kick of Level B Difficulty Jump in Competitive Wushu

  23. 连分式下两粒子跳跃离散Master方程的严格解

    Exact Solution of Discrete Master Equations with Two-particle Jumps

  24. 作者提出的差分阈值跳跃算法使R波检测速度成倍提高;

    An algorithm known as differential threshold leap furthur improves the detection speed of R-wave .

  25. 不确定Markov跳跃线性系统的鲁棒跟踪与模型跟随

    Robust Tracking and Model Following for Uncertain Markov Jump Linear Systems

  26. 加入WTO,给我国很多产业带来跳跃性发展的机遇,但对粮食产业而言,挑战远远大于机遇;

    China 's entry into the WTO has brought opportunities for many Chinese industries to develop dramatically .

  27. 表面Cu原子间相互作用对Cu(001)表面跳跃扩散行为的影响

    Influence of interaction between Cu adatoms on the hopping diffusion on Cu ( 001 ) surface

  28. 非时齐跳跃Markov过程序列到扩散过程的弱收敛

    Weak convergence of the sequence of inhomogeneous jump Markov processes to diffusion processes

  29. 建议在跳跃难度的训练中可以通过提高动作旋转速度达到规则要求的旋转角度。研究还发现,部分C级跳跃难度动作的分值设置不科学。

    Rotation of the earth It suggests that athletes can improve the speed of rotation in order to meet the requirement of wushu regulation .

  30. 跳跃过程一般是用Poisson过程描述的。

    The Jump process is generally describes with the Poisson process .