  • jump;skip;leap;bounce;spring
  • 两脚离地全身向上或向前的动作:~跃。~水。~荡。~跶。~高。~远。~舞。弹(tán )~。暴~如雷。~梁小丑(指上蹿下跳,兴风作浪的微不足道的坏人)。

  • 越过:~班。~棋。~槽。

  • 一起一伏地动:心~。眼~。心惊肉~。

  • 古同“逃”。


(腿用力弹起) jump; leap; skip; bounce:

  • 跳上马背

    leap on a horse;

  • 从椅子上跳起来

    bounce off [out of] one's chair;

  • 从床上跳下来

    spring out of bed;

  • 一跳而起

    jump [spring] to one's feet;

  • 跳过一条沟

    leap over a ditch;

  • 孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地进了教室。

    The children bounced into the classroom.


(弹力使物体突然向上移动) spring; leap:

  • 新皮球跳得高。

    The new rubber ball springs high.


(一起一伏地动) move up and down; beat; throb; palpitate; twitch:

  • 脉搏跳得平稳。

    The pulse throbbed steadily.

  • 他激动得心直跳。

    His heart was throbbing with excitement.

  • 我眼皮老是跳。

    My eyelids keep twitching all the time.


(越过) skip over; jump over; drop:

  • 跳过一两页

    jump over a page or two;

  • 跳两针

    drop two stitches

  1. 他的最后一跳平了世界纪录。

    With his last jump he equalled the world record .

  2. 再怎样鼓励,他也不肯往游泳池里跳。

    No amount of encouragement would make him jump into the pool .

  3. 他止住闹钟,从床上跳了下来。

    He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed .

  4. 她的兄弟受到批评时,她马上跳出来卫护。

    When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence .

  5. 她掀开被子跳下床来。

    She threw back the covers and leapt out of bed .

  6. 他看见她时,心猛地一跳。

    His heart gave a sudden leap when he saw her .

  7. 他在台上转圈,如同跳旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样。

    He threw himself around the stage like a whirling dervish .

  8. 我一进办公室,发现她坐在里面,把我吓了一跳。

    It startled me to find her sitting in my office .

  9. 狗兴奋得摇着尾巴跳来跳去。

    The dog leapt and wagged its tail in excitement .

  10. 她蓦地跳起来跑出房间。

    She jumped up and ran out of the room .

  11. 双双对对开始跳晚会的最后一支舞。

    Couples took the floor for the last dance of the evening .

  12. 有人在她背后弄爆了一个气球,把她吓了一跳。

    She jumped as someone popped a balloon behind her .

  13. 我纳闷他怎么从那墙上跳过去竟没摔伤自己。

    I wonder he didn 't hurt himself jumping over that wall .

  14. 我建议我们跳到议程的最后一项。

    I suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda .

  15. 你这样跳起来扑向我,把我吓了一大跳。

    You gave me a fright jumping out at me like that .

  16. 他见到她时心怦然一跳。

    His heart gave a lurch when he saw her .

  17. 那猫伸直了腰跳下墙头。

    The cat uncurled itself and jumped off the wall .

  18. 猫一跃跳上桌子。

    With a spring , the cat leapt on to the table .

  19. 她上楼梯时,心怦怦跳个不停。

    Her heart was thumping as she ascended the stairs .

  20. 他在大厅中讲话的声音使她的心怦怦直跳。

    The sound of his voice in the hall made her heart flutter .

  21. 她左眼跳了一下。

    She has a twitch in her left eye .

  22. 她没有听见他走近的声音,所以门开时吓了一跳。

    She hadn 't heard his approach and jumped as the door opened .

  23. 他的手轻轻地触了一下她肩膀便使她跳了起来。

    The gentle touch of his hand on her shoulder made her jump .

  24. 他将出现在舞池中,跳得不亚于任何人。

    He 'll be out there , dancing with the best of them .

  25. 一只知更鸟在小路上跳来跳去。

    A robin was hopping around on the path .

  26. 不知怎么的,他从四楼上跳下来竟然幸免于难。

    Somehow he survived the jump from the third floor of the building .

  27. 你会跳其他拉美舞蹈吗?

    Do you know any other Latin American dances ?

  28. 听到那消息她的心猛地一跳。

    Her heart jumped when she heard the news .

  29. 一想到飞行我的心就嘣嘣地跳。

    Just the thought of flying gives me palpitations .

  30. 他们唱啊,跳啊,一宿没睡。

    They stayed up all night singing and dancing .