
tiào líng
  • springbok
跳羚[tiào líng]
  1. 和叉角羚一样,敏锐的感官使得跳羚十分机警。

    Like pronghorns , springbok are very agile with sharp senses .

  2. 跳羚身体的其他部位是明亮的棕红色。

    The rest of their bodies are covered in light reddish brown fur .

  3. 跳羚是非洲南部最常见的羚羊。

    Springbok are some of the most commonly found types of antelope in southern Africa .

  4. 它们曾经的长途大规模迁移,但现如今由于极端的狩猎行为导致跳羚数量锐减,不能再现大规模迁徙景象。

    They used to migrate in large herds known as treckbokken , but these treks have discontinued .

  5. 跳羚可以实现腾空跳跃13英尺的壮举。

    In a feat called pronking , springbok jump as high as 13 feet in the air .

  6. 对人们来说,鲜美的野味使得跳羚成为理想的猎物。

    For humans , they are the most desired species to hunt because of their venison meat .

  7. 跳羚体态轻盈,体重仅有60至100磅,一般来说,跳羚以植物为主食。

    They are extremely lightweight with an average of 60 to 100 pounds and consume mostly plant foods .

  8. 除了它们强大的跳跃能力,人们也可以通过他们脸上和肚子上柔软的白色皮毛辨认出跳羚来。

    Along with their leaps , springbok are recognizable by the soft white fur on their faces and bellies .

  9. 跳羚因其可以腾空起跳达到9英尺而得名。

    Springbok get the " spring " in their name because they leapt as high as 9 feet in the air .

  10. 一旦受刺激,跳羚奔跑时的速度可以达到60英里每小时。这也使得他们成为这个世界上跑的最快的哺乳动物。

    When very agitated , these animals can run up to 60 mph , making them some of the fastest mammals in the world .

  11. 过去,成群的跳羚居住在非洲的南部地区,它们在长满灌木、矮树和草坪的平原上漫步。

    The Springbok used to exist in large numbers in the southern parts of Africa , and they roamed lands covered in bushes , shrubs and grasses .

  12. 屈体、绷紧四肢、头抵地,起跳、落地,跳羚不断重复着这一系列的动作。

    They curve their bodies , stiffen their legs and point their heads down toward the ground . They continue to repeat these series of landings and leaps .

  13. 有些物种,比如非洲南部的跳羚,也对生活在新的地方极不适应,估计它们将逐渐灭绝而不会迁移。

    Some species , such as the springbok of southern Africa , are also highly resistant to living in new areas and are expected to die out rather than move .

  14. 印度黑羚属有角类动物,他们看上去和跳羚长得很像,但雄性黑羚的皮毛是黑色的,而不是像跳羚一样是红棕色。

    The blackbuck is a type of horned animal that is almost identical to the springbok ; however , the fur for males is black instead of reddish brown , like the springbok .

  15. 无休止的狩猎行为持续到19世纪末期,使得跳羚几近灭绝,但是,还好它们数量重新开始增长了。人们一直致力于保护着跳羚的种群数量,因此,对于跳羚来说,现在并不存在长期威胁他们生存的因素。

    Extreme hunting practices have reduced the populations significantly , and throughout the late 1800s , the springbok was almost eliminated due to hunting , but the numbers have since been reintroduced . People are continuing to manage the populations effectively , and there is currently not a long-term threat to their survival .