- springbok

Like pronghorns , springbok are very agile with sharp senses .
The rest of their bodies are covered in light reddish brown fur .
Springbok are some of the most commonly found types of antelope in southern Africa .
They used to migrate in large herds known as treckbokken , but these treks have discontinued .
In a feat called pronking , springbok jump as high as 13 feet in the air .
For humans , they are the most desired species to hunt because of their venison meat .
They are extremely lightweight with an average of 60 to 100 pounds and consume mostly plant foods .
Along with their leaps , springbok are recognizable by the soft white fur on their faces and bellies .
Springbok get the " spring " in their name because they leapt as high as 9 feet in the air .
When very agitated , these animals can run up to 60 mph , making them some of the fastest mammals in the world .
The Springbok used to exist in large numbers in the southern parts of Africa , and they roamed lands covered in bushes , shrubs and grasses .
They curve their bodies , stiffen their legs and point their heads down toward the ground . They continue to repeat these series of landings and leaps .
Some species , such as the springbok of southern Africa , are also highly resistant to living in new areas and are expected to die out rather than move .
The blackbuck is a type of horned animal that is almost identical to the springbok ; however , the fur for males is black instead of reddish brown , like the springbok .
Extreme hunting practices have reduced the populations significantly , and throughout the late 1800s , the springbok was almost eliminated due to hunting , but the numbers have since been reintroduced . People are continuing to manage the populations effectively , and there is currently not a long-term threat to their survival .