
  • 网络fire sale;fire-sale prices;sale at breakdown price
  1. 维多利亚式排屋每间最初售价高达7万英镑,而现如今却要以跳楼价卖给DIY热衷者。

    The Victorian terraced houses were originally bought for as much as £ 70000 EACH - but are now being offered at the rock-bottom price to DIY enthusiasts .

  2. 本店所有商品均以跳楼价大甩卖。

    All goods in this store are sold at cut-throat prices .

  3. 跳楼价出让菲布罗成为了最强烈的信号,表明花旗管理层已经无权发号施令,无力或无意保护私人投资者的利益,即使他们占有66%的股份。

    The Phibro fire-sale is the strongest sign yet that it no longer calls the shots & and that it is unable , or unwilling , to defend the interests of the private investors who still own66 % of the bank .