
tiào tái huá xuě
  • ski-jumping
  1. 将最近30年发展起来的力学新分支&多刚体系统动力学理论应用于跳台滑雪动力学研究。

    The theory of Multi-rigid-body system dynamics which has grown up to be a new branch of mechanics since the last three decades was applied to the research on Ski-Jumping dynamics .

  2. 你在没有学会滑雪之前别去试滑跳台滑雪-那是不符合逻辑的。

    You can 't try ski-jumping before you learn to ski-that 's standing logic on its head .

  3. 跳台滑雪是奥运会项目吗?

    Is ski jumping an Olympic sport ?

  4. 王平:你说的是跳台滑雪吧?

    Wang Ping : You must speak about the ski jumping ?

  5. 团体比赛中增加了跳台滑雪和雪橇比赛。

    Team events were added in Nordic combined and ski jumping .

  6. 我搞跳台滑雪干嘛

    Why - Why would I want a ski jump ?

  7. 用数学规划的方法优化跳台滑雪的起跳动作

    Optimization of the Take-Off Movement of Ski Jumping with the Method of Mathematical Programming

  8. 美国选手杰西卡·杰罗姆在女子跳台滑雪比赛中取得第10名的成绩。

    And Jessica Jerome finished 10th with the United States contending in women 's ski jumping .

  9. 在波兰扎科帕内举行的跳台滑雪世界杯赛上,奥地利人格雷戈尔腾空的瞬间。

    Gregor Schlierenzauer of Austria soars through the air during the ski jumping World Cup competition in Zakopane , Poland .

  10. 正在筹拍的英国体育传记片《雄鹰爱迪》,讲述的是1988年冬奥会上那位自学成才的跳台滑雪选手的故事。

    There are plans for a British biopic of Eddie the Eagle , the self-taught ski jumper who entered the1988 Olympics .

  11. 竞技滑雪包括以下几个主要项目:高山滑雪,北欧滑雪,跳台滑雪,自由式滑雪和现代冬季两项等。

    Skiing racing includes following main events : alpine skiing , Nordic skiing , ski jumping , freestyle skiing , and Biathlon etc.

  12. 至于你的这座王宫,它可叫我心惊肉跳。王平:你说的是跳台滑雪吧?

    As for this Palace of yours , it gives me the creep . Wang Ping : You must speak about the ski jumping ?

  13. 最初的比赛项目包括高山滑雪、越野滑雪、冰上曲棍球、北欧混合项目、跳台滑雪、速度滑冰和花样滑冰。

    The original events were alpine and cross-country skiing , ice hockey , Nordic compined , ski jumping , speed skating and figure skating .

  14. 观众观看了男子跳台滑雪从不列颠哥伦比亚省惠斯勒,星期一,2010年2月22日,加拿大大山团体赛。

    Spectators watch the Men 's ski jumping team event from the large hill in Whistler , British Columbia , Canada on Monday , Feb.22,2010 .

  15. 他视察了靠近比赛场馆和奥运村的火车站、国家跳台滑雪中心和国家冬季两项中心。

    He inspected the rail station close to the competition venues and athletes ' village , the National Ski Jumping Center , and the National Biathlon Center .

  16. 北欧滑雪项目包括:越野滑雪、跳台滑雪和北欧混合项目。汽车侧倾、滑滚并撞到了桥台上。

    Nordic skiing includes cross country racing , ski jumping and the Nordic Combines . The car inclines to incline and to slide to roll and collides to the abutment .

  17. 冬季运动会比赛的规定项目有高山滑雪、跳台滑雪、越野滑雪、北欧两项、冰球、短道速滑、速度滑冰、花样滑冰和冬季两项。

    The Winter Universiade consists of compulsory sports Alpine skiing , nordic skiing composed of jump , cross country & com-bined , ice hockey , short track , speed skating , figure skating , biathlon .

  18. 速度滑冰赛将在梅杰乌(Medeu)举行,比赛场地是位于海拔一英里的山腰处的椭圆形露天赛场。而跳台滑雪比赛场地,在市中心的办公楼里,透过窗口就可以看到。

    The speedskating events would be held at Medeu , an outdoor oval perched on the shelf of a mountain more than a mile above sea level , and the ski jump venue will be visible from office windows in the city 's metropolitan center .