
  1. 1865年,一位名叫弗兰德里克·艾德斯塔姆(FredrikIdestam)的工程师,在芬兰南部一条河的河边建起一个纸浆厂,从事造纸业。

    In 1865 , an engineer named Fredrik Idestam began manufacturing paper in a wood pulp mill he built by a river in southern Finland .

  2. 我们在墨西哥南部一条黑暗的丛林公路上遇到了武装劫匪的埋伏。

    We were being ambushed by armed bandits on a dark jungle road in southern Mexico .

  3. 但是仍有少数自称为“维和人员”的军人留在重镇哥里以南的一条主要公路上。

    But a small group of soldiers calling themselves'peacekeepers'remained on a main highway south of the key town of Gori .

  4. 一名男子在伦敦南部一条商业街上刺伤两人后被警方击毙。

    A man stabbed two people on the high street in the south London area before he was shot dead by police .

  5. 西江是南中国一条资源密集的“金腰带”,是连接沿海发达地区和大西南的黄金水道。

    Xijiang River is " gold belt " with condensed resources in South China , which connects the coastal developed areas to southwest of China .

  6. 岛的北部和南部由一条狭窄的地峡相连。

    The north and south of the island are linked by a narrow isthmus .

  7. 澳大利亚军舰海盾号(OceanShield)自4月4日以来一直在南印度洋一条7英里(约合11公里)长的地带进行搜索。

    The Australian naval ship Ocean Shield has been sweeping a 7-mile strip of the southern Indian Ocean since April 4 .

  8. 印度基建企业gvk将在爪哇和巴厘岛建设机场,能源集团adani将在苏门答腊岛南部修建一条270公里长的铁路和一个煤炭运输中枢。

    GVK , the Indian infrastructure development firm , will construct airports in Java and Bali , while Adani , the energy group , will build a 270-km railway line and a coal terminal in southern Sumatra .

  9. 境外中天山地块南部存在一条重要的成矿带,代表性的矿种是Au-Cu-Mo-W,该成矿带线性特征明显并与一个活动延续的时间长达70Ma的巨型水热系统相关;

    4 ) an important Au-Cu-Mo-W metallogenic belt in the southern part of the Central Tianshan ( beyond the territory of China ), which shows distinct linear features and is related to a huge hydrothermal system that was active for ~ 70 Ma ;

  10. 卡罗莱纳州南部的一条河流,向东南流入大西洋。

    A river in South Carolina that flows southeast to the Atlantic .

  11. 其它的协议包括:建设马尼拉北部的铁路及目前通往南部的一条铁路的修复。

    Other agreements include financing for construction of train-line running north of Manila and rehabilitation of an existing line to the South .

  12. 珠江是我国南部的一条大河,降水量丰沛,多年平均降水量为1475.0mm,居全国7大流域之首。

    The Pearl River is a big river in the south of China . The precipitation in its collective area is rich , with the amount of 1475.0 mm in annual average , ranking on top among Chinese seven large river basins .

  13. 在距这里150英里以南的地方有一条高速公路主干道穿过。

    There 's a major highway that runs through the south of here about 150 miles away .