
  • 网络University of Southern Denmark
  1. 让人吃惊的是,在2014年,科学家研制出一种可以使人类在水下呼吸长达一天的材料,南丹麦大学的科学家从钴元素中研制出一种晶体材料。

    Amazingly , in 2014 , scientists developed a substance that one day may allow humans to do just that . At the University of Southern Denmark , scientists have developed a crystal substance from the element cobalt .

  2. 佩尔古尔堡汉森是南丹麦大学的行为科学家和丹麦网络主席,他说:“它甚至比海报上的孩子们说,我住在这里,或者我希望我爸爸能平平安安回家的效果更好。”

    It works even better if " the children featuring on the poster are saying ' I live here , " or ' I want my daddy to come home safely ' , " says Pelle Guldborg Hansen , behavioural scientist at the University of Southern Denmark , and chairman of the Danish Nudging Network .