
  • 网络Southern Operations
  1. 曹操的军士多为北方人,又长途跋涉来南方作战,他们不熟水性和南方的地势,因而军中许多人病倒。

    The men of Cao Cao from the north had already taken part in a long campaign with several forced marches and they were not used to the southern waterways and marshlands , therefore there was sickness in the camp .

  2. 苏丹政府最近称他们要解除当地叛军的武装。这些人以前曾经与南方士兵并肩作战,但是现在居住在边境以北。

    The Sudanese government recently said it was disarming rebels there , people who once fought with southern soldiers but now live north of the border .

  3. 其极好的藉口就是拖住或延缓中国远征军“向缅甸方面转用兵力,策应南方军之作战”。

    Their best excuse was to delay Chinese expedictionary army " to shift forces to myanmat and support by coordinated action fighting of the South troops of japan " .

  4. 在跟随高宗南撤的过程中,岳飞执掌着宋军的指挥权,利用女真人不善在南方多山地区作战这一特点,阻止其继续南攻。

    Retreating southward with Kao-tsung , Yue Fei assumed command of the Sung forces . He prevented the advance of the Juchen by taking advantage of their difficulty in using their cavalry in hilly South China .

  5. 1943年4月份,对宛平县南方地区之旅团作战,旅团预备队把该地区(东斋堂西南方约60公里)的村庄烧毁了数个。

    In April 1943 , in a brigade battle to the south of Wanping County , the reserve forces burnt down several villages ( about 60 kilometers to the southwest of Dongzhaitang ) in that area ;