
  1. 你喜欢玩“愤怒的小鸟”(AngryBirds),“使命召唤”(CallofDuty),还是在线宾戈游戏?

    Angry Birds , Call of Duty or online bingo ?

  2. 那一年也见证了《使命召唤》系列的首款成功游戏《现代战争》(ModernWarfare)一炮打响。该游戏以特种部队的任务为题材。

    That year also saw the first big hit of the Call of Duty franchise : Modern Warfare , which centres around special forces missions .

  3. 至于游戏,2015年全美最畅销的游戏是《使命召唤:黑色行动3》(CallofDuty:BlackOpsIII)(依旧为一个系列的续作)。

    In games , the2015 US bestseller list was topped by Call of Duty : Black Ops III ( a sequel toa spin-off , no less ) .

  4. 美国动视(Activision)在展览中首次公布了SledgehammerGames工作室的多人游戏《使命召唤:高级战争》(CallofDuty:AdvancedWarfare),现场玩家亲身体验了这款将于11月3日正式发布的游戏。

    Activision used the convention to debut its multiplayer gameplay for Sledgehammer Games " Call of Duty : Advanced Warfare , allowing attendees hands-on access to the November 3 release .

  5. 在这儿,你们走进的每个房间都满是雄心勃勃、让人着迷的人,他们也和你一样关心哪家匹萨店可以网上订餐,你们在《使命召唤:黑色行动II》(CallofDuty:BlackOpsII)中杀死僵尸的点数是多少。

    Every room you 've walked into here was filled with ambitious , fascinating people who shared your interests in which pizza places took online orders and what your zombie kill count was in ' Call of Duty : Black Ops II . '

  6. 今年最大的几个游戏都已经上架,包括《辐射4》(Fallout4)、《使命召唤12:黑色行动3》(CallofDuty:BlackOps3)和《星球大战:前线》。为假日购买礼物的人正好需要买游戏。

    The biggest games of the year have just landed on store shelves - including Fallout 4 , Call of Duty : Black Ops 3 , and Star Wars : Battlefront - and demand for them is running high among holiday gift buyers .

  7. 我是一枚超越使命召唤由于英勇行为而被授予的奖项。

    I 'm an award for gallantry above and beyond the call of duty .

  8. 进入零售市场仅24小时后,《使命召唤:幽灵》就斩获了超过10亿美元的收入。

    Ghosts made more than $ 1 billion in its first 24 hours at retail .

  9. 麦克斯,这是现实生活,不是使命召唤3之现代大战

    Max , this is life , not Call of Duty : Modern warfare 3 .

  10. 第四名使命召唤

    No.4 Call of Duty

  11. 在《使命召唤:黑暗行动》发布后的一个月内,

    After one month of release of the game " Call Of Duty : Black Ops , " it had been played

  12. 嗯,他们可能会玩《使命召唤或D&D》,但其中的关系要简单直接。

    Well , they might play Call of Duty or D & D. But in a relationship , it 's straightforward .

  13. 免费的新版《使命召唤》将仅向中国视频游戏玩家在线提供。

    The new , free version of ' Call of Duty ' will be available online only to Chinese videogame players .

  14. 如果他们能明确这些东西,他们就能思考一生的工作,思考一生的使命召唤。

    And if they can identify those things , they can think about a life work , they can think about their calling .

  15. 作为系列第一人称及第三人称射击游戏,使命召唤近年来已成为最受欢迎的游戏之一。

    A first-person and third-person shooter game , Call of Duty has emerged in recent years to be one of the most popular game series ever .

  16. 2014年初,两品牌又合作,一起出现在《使命召唤》系列游戏中。

    And in early 2014 , the brands collaborated on a promotion tied into the release of a video game in the Call of Duty series .

  17. 他说,除此以外,模拟战争场景的射击游戏已经在中国流行开来,为《使命召唤》之类的游戏进入创造了条件。

    In addition , he said , war-simulation shooting games have become popular there , creating an inroad for the ' Call of Duty ' games . '

  18. 据路透社报道,周三发布的一项研究报告指出,“使命召唤”这一类的射击类电子游戏可以帮助玩家在真实生活中提高决策速度。

    A study released Wednesday suggests that shooter video games such as " Call of Duty " can help players make decisions faster in real life , Reuters reported .

  19. 这一切不会实现除非人们将公共服务视为一种使命召唤,而不是一种被人看不起的职业,只适合那些无法在私人部门立足的人。

    And this will not happen unless people see public service as a calling , rather than a despised occupation for people unable to make it in the private sector .

  20. 你即将看到的景象几乎和战争电影中的场景或是老版的使命召唤如出一辙,但这的确是货真价实的。

    What you are about to see almost looks like a scene from a war movie or a on older version of " Call of Duty " but this is real .

  21. 动视暴雪说,中国版《使命召唤》并不是对现有游戏的略加改动,而是有着不同设计和故事情节的全新版本,耗时两年才制作完成。

    The China version isn 't simply a rehash of existing titles : It 's completely new , with a different design and storyline that took two years to produce , Activision said .

  22. 其中一半参与者玩两种“第一人称射击”类战斗游戏——“虚幻竞技场”和“使命召唤2”,在这两种游戏中,玩家必须迅速地侦查出敌人并将其杀掉,才能避免自己遭到杀害;

    Half of the participants played two first-person-shooter action games , Unreal Tournament and Call of Duty 2 , in which players must quickly detect and kill enemies to avoid being killed themselves .

  23. 路透社报道,“使命召唤:黑色行动”这款美国开发的电脑游戏因含有刺杀古巴革命领袖菲德尔·卡斯特罗的任务,于当地时间周三招来了古巴方面的怒火。

    " Call of Duty : Black Ops ", a US-developed video game where players aim to kill Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro , sparked an angry from Cuba on Wednesday , reports Reuters .

  24. 心怀不满的妻子们专门指责了游戏魔兽世界和使命召唤。在魔兽世界中,玩家可以创造自己的虚拟人物,开展神话般的冒险活动。

    In particular , disgruntled wives blamed World of Warcraft , which allows gamers to create their own fantasy character for mythical adventures , and Call Of Duty , where gamers battle in various war zones .

  25. 这系列游戏创下了有史以来销售最快的世界纪录——“使命召唤:现代战争2”在发售日当天创下了2.424亿欧元(4.016亿美元)的销售奇迹。

    This series also holds the world record for the fastest selling game of all time , with ' Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2 ′ making £ 242.4 million ( $ 401.6 million ) on it 's release date .

  26. 游戏主要基于第二次世界大战时期,近期却发售了设定于现代的使命召唤现代战争和设定于冷战时期的使命召唤:黑色行动。

    Games have been primarily based in a World War II era , but recently have branched off with modern games in the form of ' Call of Duty : Modern Warfare ' and the cold war era in the form of ' Call of Duty : Black Ops ' .

  27. 游戏主要基于第二次世界大战时期,近期却发售了设定于现代的“使命召唤”现代战争”和设定于冷战时期的“使命召唤:黑色行动”。

    Games have been primarily based in a World War II era , but recently have branched off with modern games in the form of ' Call of Duty : Modern Warfare " and the cold war era in the form of ' Call of Duty : Black Ops . "

  28. 今年11月份,动视暴雪公司将发布《使命的召唤》系列游戏的最新一款:《使命召唤:黑色行动2》(CallofDuty:BlackOps2)。

    This November , the company will be launching the latest installment in its call of duty franchise , call of Duty : Black Ops 2 .

  29. 除此之外,还有一个例子能够说明传统体育竞技和电子竞技的界限正在渐渐模糊。今年六月在X-Games极限运动的奥斯汀站上,举办了一场由八支电竞队伍参加的《使命的召唤:幽灵》邀请赛。

    Also blurring the line between sports and eSports is the fact that traditional Red Bull extreme athletes were competing at X-Games Austin in June for the exact same medals that Call of Duty Ghosts teams were playing for .

  30. 我们被光荣的历史使命所召唤。

    We are summoned by this honored and historic duty .