
  • 网络Apostolic Age
  1. 这已经像一封后使徒时代的信了。

    This is already something like a post-apostolic letter .

  2. 因此说明这封信是后使徒时代的。

    So this is a post-apostolic letter .

  3. 勇敢的精神是使徒时代教会的特点。

    One of the special marks of the Holy Ghost in the Apostolic Church was the spirit of boldness .

  4. 使徒时代快将完结之际,保罗在圣灵的默示下,为教会定下很多准则。它们不单对应当时的需要,对我们今天的教会亦一样适用。

    The end of the apostolic period was approaching and God the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to set down standards which were not only needed then but are very relevant to our churches today .