
  • 网络apostle john;johannine;John the Evangelist
  1. 它记录了使徒约翰在拔摩海岛所看到的异象。

    It covers what the apostle John saw in a vision on the Island of Patmos .

  2. 使徒约翰教导我们,爱心的服事表明我们是真正得救。

    The Apostle John taught that our loving service to others shows that we are truly saved .

  3. 使徒约翰因为他对耶稣的信仰被放逐到拔摩海岛。

    John was imprisoned on the Island of Patmos because of his faith in Jesus .

  4. 耶稣的使徒;约翰的兄弟;在《新约圣经》中《詹姆士使徒书》的作者。

    Disciple of Jesus ; brother of John ; author of The Epistle of James in the New Testament .

  5. 新约圣经的使徒书信;约翰的新书几时能出版?

    The Epistles of the New Testament ; When will John 's new book come out ?