
  • 网络Jewish history
  1. 无论是格托还是精神格托,都是犹太人对自己传统的固守与坚持,在犹太历史沿革中形成一股精神格托。

    Whether community or spirit community is formed in the Jewish history .

  2. 在犹太历史中,犹太认同问题是一个非常重要的课题。

    In the Jewish history , Jewish identity is a very important issue .

  3. 犹太人问题是近代犹太历史上出现的一个专用术语。

    " The Jewish Question " is a terminology in the modern Jewish history .

  4. 她从图书馆借了一些书,然后使自己沉浸在犹太历史和文化之中。

    She got some books out of the library and immersed herself in Jewish history and culture .

  5. 本研究主要是把文本放在犹太历史与文化的语境中去考察马拉默德小说中的犹太性。

    My study is to contextualize his works in Jewish historical and cultural background to explore its Jewishness .

  6. 本-古里安在犹太历史中的出现是我们的一个重要时刻。

    Ben-Gurion 's appearance on the stage of Jewish history came about at a fateful hour for our people .

  7. 他补充说:“我得说,这在犹太历史上是前所未有的——一个拉比团体否定另一个拉比团体。”

    He added , " I 'd say this is unprecedented in Jewish history , that one group of rabbis rejects another . "

  8. 首先,以色列有《妥拉》律法及《塔木德》法典,可上溯5000年的犹太历史,包括第二圣殿及马塞达要塞。

    First of all , Israel has the Torah and Talmud , and you trace back 5000 years of Jewish history , including the Second Temple and Masada .

  9. 然而,尽管荆棘苦痛族充满了整个犹太历史,这个弱小神秘的民族却幸存下来,而且很多世纪以来,保持强大的凝聚力。

    In spite of all the bitter hardships filled in the whole Jewish history , the small , mysterious people has managed to survive and to keep closely united through ages .

  10. 不为复仇,只想讨回公道而自揭伤疤,这种行为是勇敢的,用评论员LibbyPurves的话来说,“西方文明的本质不是仇恨或恐惧,而是希望。”可能,这种希望的本质部分来源于犹太-基督历史。

    To resist simple vengeance , pursue justice and to relive the pain is a brave thing to do and shows in the words of the commentator Libby Purves that " the default setting of Western civilisation is not hatred or fear but hope . " Perhaps , part of that default setting of hope stems from our Judaeo-Christian history .

  11. 幸存下来的人都记住了这段犹太复国主义历史上不可磨灭的污点。

    Several of us survived to tell the story of this indelible blemish carved in the pages of Zionist history .

  12. 本文围绕明清两代中国犹太人在开封修缮或扩建犹太教堂的历史进行分析,并对鲜为人知的教堂内部设置进行阐释。

    This article analyses the special history which Chinese Jews repaired and extended the synagogue during the Ming and Qing Dynasties and explains the mysterious inside of the temple .

  13. 从母题层面看,贝娄的流浪、悬挂和受害等母题,一方面反映出犹太民族的历史境遇,另一方面也揭示了当代人面临的生存困境。

    From the matrix topics , his wandering , suspending , suffering and so on not only reflect the historical plight of the Jewish , but also reveal the one of the contemporaries .

  14. 前不久,摩洛哥和埃及刚刚宣布禁播该片,因为两国不认同该片对摩西的描绘,并且认为该片对历史的描述失真,带有犹太复国主义历史观。

    The announcement came on the heels of announcements that the film would not be shown in Morocco and Egypt because of its portrayal of Moses , as well as historical inaccuracies and giving a Zionist view of history .

  15. 前不久,摩洛哥和埃及刚刚宣布禁播该片,因为两国不认同该片对摩西的描绘,并且认为该片对历史的描述失真,带有“犹太复国主义历史观”。

    The announcement came on the heels of announcements that the film would not be shown in Morocco and Egypt because of its portrayal of Moses , as well as historical inaccuracies and giving " a Zionist view of history . "

  16. 犹太民族在这个历史性的移民进程中,受其居住国政治、经济、文化传统的影响形成了三大族群:(1)由中欧和东欧犹太人以及美洲移民组成的阿什肯纳兹人(Ashkenazim)。

    The Jewish nation , in this historic immigration process , formed three groups : ( 1 ) The Ashkenazim which are composed of the Middle and Eastern European Jews and American immigrant Jews , and their Yiddish culture .

  17. 本文梳理了犹太民族的独特历史并将犹太文化融入到小说分析中。

    This thesis records Jewish special history and brings the Jewish culture into its analysis .

  18. 伦理思想是犹太教教义的一个重要组成部分,它的发展和犹太教以及犹太民族的整个历史过程息息相关。

    The ethical ideas , an important part of Judaism , is closely related to Judaism and the Jewish nation .

  19. 它是基于文化和历史的粘连,还有公认的对犹太人家园的渴望,它根植在犹太民族悲惨的历史里,不容否定。

    It is based upon cultural and historical ties , and the recognition that the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied .

  20. 他强调道德,关注人类生存痛苦,这在很大程度上来自犹太教、犹太律法、犹太历史和犹太文学对他的影响。

    In a great sense , the essential reason of Malamud 's stressing morality and focusing on suffering in his fictions , resulted from the influence of the Jewish religion , law , history and literature .

  21. 在这四部小说中,犹太宗教、犹太文化意识及历史感单独地或共同地决定了主人公的犹太身份。

    In these four novels Judaism , Jewish cultural awareness and historical consciousness individually or jointly determine those protagonists ' Jewish identity .

  22. 犹太文化是犹太族在其历史境遇与历史进程中长期的心理积淀,思维方式及行为模式交互作用下形成的。

    Jewish culture has evolved as a combination of long-term psychological deposit , the mode of thinking and behavior in the course of its history .

  23. 她涉猎的范围非常广泛,但是她最具特色的主题是犹太主题,包括犹太身份问题,犹太历史以及犹太艺术等。

    She writes on a range of subjects , but her most characteristic and compelling themes are Jewish identity , Jewish history , and Jewish art .

  24. 通过对犹太音乐的研究可以整体把握犹太民族的历史发展演变,也可以掌握其宗教信仰体系的传承和传播。

    By studying the Jewish music , we can grasp the overall historic development and evolvement of Jewish nation , and the heritage and transmission of its religious belief and this is of vital importance to the study of Judaism .

  25. 犹太女性是德国沙龙的主要创办者,考虑到当时德意志地区的犹太人尚未获得民事权利,这点堪称德国历史和犹太历史上的一种独特现象。

    It was a noteworthy phenomenon both in the German history and Jewish history in that Jewish women were the main founder of German salons , especially considering the fact that the Jews at that time had not received the civil rights .