
  • 网络The Jewish State
  1. 哈佛大学的艾伦·德肖威茨(AlanDershowitz)称书中对犹太国的偏见“有失妥当”。

    Harvard 's Alan Dershowitz called the book so biased against the Jewish state as to be " indecent " .

  2. 这样一个犹太国建在哪里?是巴勒斯坦吗?

    Was it emigration to a Jewish state in Palestine ?

  3. 为在巴勒斯坦建立和发展犹太国的政策。

    A policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine .

  4. 两国制;即在地中海东岸至约旦河西岸的这片土地上建立一巴一以两个国家,巴勒斯坦阿拉伯国和以色列犹太国平等共处。

    Two state solution : A two-state solution envisions two separate states in the Western portion of the historic region of Palestine , one Jewish and another Arab to solve the Israel-Palestine conflict .

  5. 同样,若犹太国先遇到战争,罗马人也应该在可能环境内,尽心帮助同盟国作战。

    In like manner also if war shall come first upon the nation of the Jews , the Romans shall help them with all their heart , according as the time shall permit them .

  6. 因此从第一点引申开来,第二个不同在于,以色列的国家身份是个犹太国,新加坡却绝对不是个华人国家,而是一个多元种族,多元宗教的国家。

    So therefore , following from this , secondly , Israel 's identity is as a Jewish state ; Singapore 's identity is emphatically not a Chinese nation , but a multiracial , multi-religious society .

  7. 还提醒婴儿的父母,加利利的前罗马犹太国统治者希律王可能企图加害于这孩子,因为希律王惟恐这孩子将来会威胁他的王位。

    They also warned the baby 's parents that Herod , the pro-Roman Jewish governor of Galilee , feared the baby could threaten his throne . Herod , they said , might try to harm the child .

  8. 以色列拉比掌管犹太婚姻以及该国的大部分犹太墓地,他们不认可非正统派犹太教分支,比如改革派和保守派——美国的大部分犹太人都属于这些非正统派分支。

    The Israeli rabbinate , which controls Jewish marriage and most Jewish burial sites in the country , does not recognize non-Orthodox streams of Judaism like Reform and Conservative , with which the majority of affiliated U.S. Jews identify .