
  • 网络Utah state;utah state university;University of Utah;usu
  1. 犹他州立大学(USU)是美国以学生为中心,由国家捐地所成立的优秀大学。

    Utah State University ( USU ) is one of the nation 's premier land-grant and space-grant universities .

  2. 董事会以及犹他州立大学的整个管理和教学团队

    The Board of Trustees and the entire administration and staff of Utah State University .

  3. 盐湖城最大的大学是犹他州立大学。

    The largest university __ Salt Lake City is the University of Utah .

  4. 再度于犹他州立大学校园里引起骚动。

    This time it 's causing a stir on the University of Utah campus .

  5. 犹他州立大学的开放式课程计画实践了犹他州立大学的使命,透过学习、发现与参与来服务人群。

    USU OpenCourseWare supports USU 's institutional mission to serve the public through learning , discovery , and engagement .

  6. 盐湖水巨大的盐水体盐湖城最大的大学是犹他州立大学。

    A large body of salt water . The largest university __ Salt Lake City is the University of Utah .

  7. 因此,犹他州立大学的电气工程师想出了依靠放置在房间附近的无线传感器的跌倒检测系统。

    So electrical engineers at the University of Utah have come up with a fall-detection system that instead relies on wireless sensors placed around a room .

  8. 据美国广播公司和多家媒体报道,犹他州立大学科学家研制的“分子安全套”,即将进入人体试验阶段。

    According to ABC and a number of media reports , the Utah State University scientists have developed a " molecular condom " is about to enter human trials .

  9. 从犹他州立大学获得营销为主经济为辅的学位当时我对“完成学校学习”非常兴奋

    A major in marketing , with a minor in economics , from Utah State At the time , I was a lot more excited about " being done with school . "

  10. 埃里克获得音乐奖学金在犹他州州立大学,但在课堂教学叩诊在当地的中学,他很快改变了方向,并开始了一项教育,绘画。

    Eric received a music scholarship at Utah State University but after teaching a percussion class at a local middle school , he quickly changed direction and embarked upon an education in painting .