
yóu tài
  • Jew
犹太[yóu tài]
  1. 在美国一位恪守教规的犹太教徒参议员约瑟夫利伯曼(josephlieberman)还曾在2000年竞选过副总统。

    In America an observant Jew , Senator Joseph Lieberman , ran for vice-president in 2000 .

  2. 另一位犹太领袖Menelaus,他的名字也在讲义上,似乎贿赂了安条克更多的钱,以获得大祭司的职位,赶Jason下台,但他出不了这么多钱。

    Menelaus , another leading Jew , his name is on your handout , seems to have offered Antiochus more money for the priesthood trying to get it away from Jason , and he couldn 't afford it .

  3. 渐渐地,犹太社区得到重建,犹太人的生活重新开始。

    Slowly Jewish communities were reconstituted and Jewish life began anew .

  4. 这家人非常注重学习犹太文化。

    The family were deeply involved in Jewish culture .

  5. 根据犹太法律的规定,他在出生后8天内接受了割礼。

    He had been circumcised within eight days of birth as required by Jewish law .

  6. 他是犹太复国运动的热情支持者。

    He was an ardent Zionist .

  7. 没有一个城市,包括特拉维夫与耶路撒冷在内,像纽约市一样拥有如此之多的犹太居民。

    No city , Tel Aviv or Jerusalem included , is home to more Jews than New York

  8. 抛弃了犹太主题就等于完全抛弃了这个剧本的激情与活力之源。

    The rejection of the Jewish theme meant the rejection of everything that gave the script passion and life

  9. 犹太-基督教传统呈现多样化,混乱复杂,相互矛盾,在各个方面都会引发质疑和争论。

    The Judaeo-Christian tradition is diverse , jumbled , contradictory , at every point inviting inquiry and debate .

  10. 哈尔滨有许多俄式教堂和犹太教堂。

    There are many Russian churches and synagogues in harbin .

  11. 基督教堂和犹太教堂也大量邀请伊玛目到教堂讲经。

    Churches and synagogues deluged imams with speaking requests .

  12. 参加婚礼我要哭,出席犹太男子的成年礼我也要哭,什么洗礼,毕业典礼和生日宴会都会使我落泪。

    I cry at weddings , bar mitzvahs , christenings , graduations and birthday parties .

  13. 他们有犹太血统。

    They have Jewish blood .

  14. 他们是正统的犹太教徒。

    They are orthodox jews .

  15. 犹太金融家阴谋论成为巴黎沙龙的话题

    Conspiracy theories about Jewish financiers were the talk of Paris salons .

  16. 西元44年犹太国王希律。亚基帕一世下令把他斩首。

    He was beheaded in AD 44 by order of Herod Agrippa .

  17. 硬币上有犹太标记。

    The coin bears a Jewish symbol .

  18. 犹太复国主义的两重性对以巴和平产生的影响也是双重的,利弊兼有

    The duality analysis reveals that Zionism is both favorable and derogative to the Israeli-Palestinian peace .

  19. 在当一位系谱学者揭露她之后承认自己关于二战犹太大屠杀的畅销书是捏造的。

    Misha Defonseca acknowledged her bestselling Holocaust story as a fake after a genealogist outed her . MishaDefonseca

  20. 德国《焦点》杂志(Focus)去年披露了慕尼黑公寓藏品的发现,引起犹太物主的继承人的归还要求。

    The discovery of the Munich hoard , disclosed by Focus magazine last year , prompted claims for restitution from the heirs of Jewish owners .

  21. 开封地区犹太后裔HLA-A、B多态性及G6PD分析

    Analysis on HLA-A , B Polymorphism and G6PD in Descendants of Kaifeng Jews

  22. 食品添加剂行业Kosher犹太食品认证要求

    The requirements of kosher certification in food additive industry

  23. 据最先报道此消息的《好莱坞报道者》报道,Rifkin将会扮演一个让人印象深刻的犹太法师Isaac的角色。

    As first reported by The Hollywood Reporter , Rifkin will play Isaac , an imposing rabbi .

  24. 当代南非犹太裔作家纳丁·戈迪默(NadineGordimer,1923&)是用英语写作的女作家,是1991年诺贝尔文学奖的获得者。

    Nadine Gordimer , a modern South Africa Jewish writer writing in English , won the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1991 .

  25. 12世纪,人们经常谈论的犹太青霉素诞生了,它指的是鸡汤。当时,医生迈蒙尼德(Maimonides)写道,鸡汤被奉为优良食物,也被视为药物。

    In the 12th century , the Jewish penicillin clich é was born when the physician Maimonides wrote that chicken soup is recommended as an excellent food as well as medication .

  26. 犹太民族在这个历史性的移民进程中,受其居住国政治、经济、文化传统的影响形成了三大族群:(1)由中欧和东欧犹太人以及美洲移民组成的阿什肯纳兹人(Ashkenazim)。

    The Jewish nation , in this historic immigration process , formed three groups : ( 1 ) The Ashkenazim which are composed of the Middle and Eastern European Jews and American immigrant Jews , and their Yiddish culture .

  27. 在犹太族人地区,对于亲密关系的看法的角度更是与众不同。

    This is most apparent in Judaism 's approach to intimacy .

  28. 当代美国犹太文学中的异化主题及其世界化品性

    Contemporary American Jewish Literature : Theme of Alienation and Cosmopolitical Implication

  29. 论犹太文化的内敛性

    On Introverted Character of Jewish Culture Q & A on Sex

  30. 他们的目标是保持传统的犹太信仰。

    Their goal was to keep alive the traditional Jewish faith .