
  • 网络Orthodox Judaism
  1. 根据对犹太教传统信仰、习俗、律法等遵循程度的差异,以及对现代社会、变革等态度的不同,犹太教正统派又可以被大致划分为现代正统派、极端正统派、哈西德派三个支派。

    According to the differences of the degree of compliance on traditional Judaism beliefs , customs and laws as well as the differences on their attitudes towards modern society and reformation , Orthodox Judaism can be roughly divided into Modern Orthodox Judaism , Ultra-Orthodox Judaism and the Hasid .

  2. 你称自己是犹太教正统派,-是的。

    And you would call yourself an Orthodox Jew . - Yes .

  3. 同时,一些犹太教正统派议员表示,他们将会提出议案,要求禁止同性婚姻。

    Meanwhile , some Orthodox Jewish legislators say they may introduce a bill to ban same-sex marriages .

  4. 在这个案例中,一位美国人在纽约皈依犹太教正统派后不久,与一名以色列人订婚,不过当他们准备登记结婚时,她的犹太身份却遭到男方家乡的一个地方拉比法庭否认。

    The case involves an American who , shortly after her Orthodox conversion in New York , became engaged to an Israeli , only to have the local rabbinical court in his hometown reject her status as a Jew when they tried to register for marriage .