
yóu tài jiào
  • Judaism
犹太教 [yóu tài jiào]
  • [Judaism] 犹太人的宗教,特点是信仰上帝,并信仰信天父在希伯来经文中明确教导的使命

犹太教[yóu tài jiào]
  1. 他当学生时就放弃了犹太教。

    He lapsed from Judaism when he was a student .

  2. 他是在一个信奉传统犹太教的家庭长大的。

    He was brought up in a family which practised traditional Judaism .

  3. 基督教的圣周与犹太教逾越节的头几天重叠。

    Christian holy week overlaps with the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover

  4. “赫西奥德提出个观点,这一观点你经常会在一些世界上最伟大的宗教中发现,如犹太教、基督教、伊斯兰教以及其他一些宗教。该观点为:在某种意义上,当你伤害另一个人的时候,你也伤害了你自己。

    " Hesiod offers an idea — which you very often find in some of the world 's great religions , in the Judeo-Christian tradition and in Islam and others — that in some sense , when you hurt another human being , you hurt yourself . "

  5. (他的预言书在犹太教正典中是较大的“十二先知书”〔theTwelve〕的一部分)。

    His prophecy is part of a larger book , The Twelve , in the Jewish canon .

  6. 在她最近出版的《伟大的大祭司》(thegreathighpriest)中,收录了许多关于犹太教和早期基督教之间关系的观点。

    Her latest book , " the great high priest " , is a collection of densely woven arguments about the continuity between Judaism and early Christian practices .

  7. 1998年,奥利奥获得Kosher认证(指符合犹太教教规、清洁可食的产品的认证)。

    Oreos became kosher in 1998 .

  8. 研发人员甚至还开发了专用于小众群体——如遵循“家庭纯洁”宗教准则的正统派犹太教妇女——的app,并声称这些产品得到了“拉比的批准”。

    Specialized apps have even been developed for niche groups like Orthodox Jewish women who adhere to religious family purity laws . The apps say they are " rabbinically approved . "

  9. Lius只吃犹太教规定的无谷蛋白食物。

    And Luis , he can only eat gluten-free kosher foods .

  10. 华盛顿特区记者彼得贝纳特(peterbeinart)进一步猛烈抨击了以色列的好战态度,指责其疏远了年轻的犹太侨民,使他们离开犹太教和犹太文化。

    The accusation that Israeli hawkishness turns young diaspora Jews off their Judaism and their Jewishness has been trenchantly advanced by Peter Beinart , a journalist in Washington , DC .

  11. 以色列小姐:LinaMakhuli通过乳沟处巨大的大卫之星(犹太教标志)和手上非常飘逸的金条布料来展示犹太人的特色。

    Miss Israel : Lina Makhuli marked her Jewish identity with an oversized Star of David resting on her cleavage and some interesting gold drapery hanging from her arms .

  12. 他呈现的是不同形态的犹太教,代表人物是犹太作家Josephus或,但他呈现了犹太教的一种形态。

    He 's presenting a different form of Judaism Philo represented by the Jewish writer Josephus , or Philo , but he is presenting a form of Judaism .

  13. RoshHashanah标志着犹太教圣日的开始,并将在10天以后以赎罪日结束。

    Rosh Hashanah marks the start of the Jewish high holy days , which end ten days later with Yom Kippur .

  14. 拉结会堂(OhelRachel)坐落在一座绿意盎然的院子里。院门外标牌写着:“上海市绿化委员会”。但值得庆幸的是,没有迹象显示,在不举行犹太教庆祝活动的时候,这里被用来存放农用设备。

    Outside the main gate of the leafy compound in which the Ohel Rachel synagogue is located , a sign says " Shanghai Afforestation Commission " - although , thankfully , there is no indication that the building is used to store agricultural equipment between Jewish high holidays .

  15. Itim每年处理多达150起类似案件——美国现代正统派犹太教皈依者在以色列争取婚姻权或经历其他与宗教权威相关的难题。

    Itim handles up to 150 cases a year of modern-Orthodox converts from the United States who are struggling to get married in Israel or are experiencing other issues with the religious establishment .

  16. 以色列的《离婚审判》(Gett:TheTrialofVivianeAmsalem)由罗内特和施罗密·艾尔卡贝兹(RonitandShlomiElkabetz)姐弟导演,讲述的是另一种家庭纠葛:一个想与丈夫离婚的女人发现自己受到犹太教法庭的无情摆布。

    Israel 's " Gett : The Trial of Viviane Amsalem , " directed by the sister and brother team Ronit and Shlomi Elkabetz , deals with domestic entanglements of a different kind : a woman seeking a divorce from her husband finds herself at the mercy of an unsympathetic rabbinical court .

  17. 卢克斯坦在接受电话采访时称,他首次遇到这样的案例,不过他并不知道是否还有经他自己或KehilathJeshurun犹太会堂其他同事之手皈依犹太教的人曾尝试在以色列结婚。

    In a telephone interview , he said this case was a first for him , though he was not aware of anyone else who had been converted by him or his colleagues at Kehilath Jeshurun who then tried to marry in Israel .

  18. 属于或关于犹太人、犹太文化或犹太教的。

    Of or relating to Jews or their culture or religion .

  19. 基督教起源于犹太教的故乡&巴勒斯坦。

    Christianity originated in Palestine , in the hometown of Judaism .

  20. 今天他告诉我要吃犹太教食物。

    Today he told me he wants me to keep kosher .

  21. 犹太教最基本的价值观是什么?

    What are the most fundamental values of the Jewish religion ?

  22. 许多美国人认为,美国是建立在犹太教、基督教信条基础上的。

    Many Americans believe the country was founded on Judeo-Christian beliefs .

  23. 上次见面后你入犹太教了?

    Did you join a temple since I last saw you ?

  24. 提市黎日犹太教历中一年的第一个月份。

    The first month of the year in the Jewish calendar .

  25. 犹太教对你爸跟我不太重要。

    Judaism has never been so important for Papa and me .

  26. 哥尔德曼仍然对犹太教辛酸尖刻,冷嘲热讽。

    Goldman was still acid , cynical and biting about Judaism .

  27. 我们家几代人都是犹太教老师。

    For generations , men of my family have been rabbis .

  28. 一个新的皈依者;特别是非犹太教人更换信仰犹太教。

    A new convert ; especially a gentile converted to Judaism .

  29. 你称自己是犹太教正统派,-是的。

    And you would call yourself an Orthodox Jew . - Yes .

  30. 我幻想他可以皈依犹太教。

    I used to fantasize about him converting to judaism .