
mù hǎn mò dé
  • Mohammed;prophet
穆罕默德[mù hǎn mò dé]
  1. 整个过程是建立信任的过程,另一位投资者、在阿曼经营一家公司的P•穆罕默德•阿里(P.MohammedAli)表示。

    The whole process was a confidence-building exercise , says another of these investors , P. Mohammed Ali , who runs a business in Oman .

  2. 几个月之后,他的司法部长埃里克•霍尔德(EricHolder)宣布穆罕默德将在纽约民事法庭接受审判。

    Several months later , his Attorney General Eric Holder announced that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in a civilian court in New York .

  3. 埃及国内外对前总统穆罕默德•穆尔西(MohamedMorsi)被推翻的反应过于简单化。

    Reactions to the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi , inside and outside Egypt , are simplistic .

  4. 英国一位激进的逊尼派(Sunni)神职人员则更进一步,称对先知穆罕默德形象的描绘是一种战争行为。

    A radical Sunni cleric in the UK went further , describing the depiction of the Prophet Mohammed an act of war .

  5. 萨尼・本・穆罕默德,阿勒萨尼家族(AlThani)的创始人,当选卡塔尔的酋长并统治AlBida(现在的多哈)。

    Thani bin Mohammed , the founder of the Al-Thani family was elected Sheikh of Qatar , where he ruled in Al-Bida ( now known as Doha ) .

  6. 哈佛大学管理公司总裁穆罕默德•埃尔-埃利安(Mohamedel-Erian)的父亲是埃及人,母亲是法国人,他本人在英国接受教育,对哈佛大学的捐款进行投资。

    Mohamed el-Erian , the British-educated son of an Egyptian father and a French mother , who invests Harvard University 's endowment , agrees .

  7. 哥本哈根一个活动现场发生枪击事件,造成1人身亡、3名警察受伤。当时一名曾把先知穆罕默德(ProphetMohammed)描画为狗的有争议的丹麦漫画家正在事发地点发表演讲。

    One man has been killed and three police officers wounded in a shooting at an event in Copenhagen where a controversial Swedish cartoonist who depicted the Prophet Mohammed as a dog was speaking .

  8. 回教公元((以穆罕默德逃离麦加之公元622年为元年;参看Hegira))丹麦排名的下降与去年的先知穆罕默德漫画出版物有关。

    The drop is related to the publication of the Prophet Mohammed cartoons in Denmark last year .

  9. 上周六,由于指责政府操纵大选结果,包括前总统弟弟穆罕默德礼萨哈塔米(mohammadrezakhatami)在内的数十名改革派政治领导人被捕,不过,其中一些人已于昨晚获释。

    On Saturday , dozens of reformist political leaders , including Mohammad Reza Khatami , brother of the former president , were arrested after accusing the government of engineering the result , although some were released last night .

  10. 我们想看穆罕默德就看。

    If anything , we should all make cartoons of muhammad .

  11. 穆罕默德,你说你会赢。

    Muhammad , you said you were gonna win this fight .

  12. 参加一些宗教课程并研读先知穆罕默德的传记。

    Attend religious lessons and study the biography of Prophet Muhammad .

  13. 妈,你要我带穆罕默德来这吗?

    Mum , do you want me to bring Mohammad here ?

  14. 知道你的穆罕默德阿里来信去哪了吗?

    Know what might have happened to your Muhammad Ali letter ?

  15. 在他父亲看来,穆罕默德应当死。

    In the eyes of his father , Mohammed deserved death .

  16. 此外,先知穆罕默德也禁止火刑。

    Also , the Prophet Muhammad has forbidden punishment with fire .

  17. 穆罕默德只是苏丹千千万万个穆罕默德中的一个。

    Mohammed is one of the million Mohammeds in Sudan .

  18. 关于穆罕默德的那集我们没播。

    That we had no part in the Muhammad episode .

  19. 穆罕默德的使者也来找过这位君主628年。

    To this monarch also in628 came messengers from muhammad .

  20. 亲爱的穆罕默德,告诉我那边有什么?

    Dear mohammad , can you tell me what is over there ?

  21. 教祖穆罕默德去世后的五个世纪。

    The five centuries following the death of the prophet .

  22. 一个比迪斯莱里更有名的例子是穆罕默德。

    An even more notable instance than Disraeli is Mohammed .

  23. 此次胜利后不久,穆罕默德于632年在麦地那去世。

    Mohammed died in Medina soon after this victory , in 632 .

  24. 于尔兰邮报刊登了穆斯林先知穆罕默德的十二幅漫画。

    The Jyllands-Posten published twelve images of the prophet mohammad .

  25. 艾兹哈尔是穆罕默德军极端主义运动的领导人。

    Azhar is a leader of the Jaish-e-Mohammad extremist movement .

  26. 穆罕默德•艾尔-俄莱恩是太平洋投资管理公司的首席执行官兼联席首席投资官。

    Mohamed a. El-Erian is the CEO and co-chief investment officer of PIMCO .

  27. 穆罕默德的玉玺就是一枚银环镶边的阴雕红玉髓。

    Muhammad 's seal was an engraved Cornelian set in a silver ring .

  28. 他接着说道:我看着穆罕默德,他正在哭泣。

    I looked at him and he was crying .

  29. 穆罕默德只是站在那里喝茶。

    Muhammad just stood there and drank some tea .

  30. 在可兰经里,穆罕默德也提到不要吃肉。

    In the quran , the prophet also mentions not to eat meat .