
Mài dì nà
  • Medina
  1. •微软公司(Microsoft)联合创始人比尔•盖茨,居住地:华盛顿麦地那。

    • Bill Gates , co-founder of Microsoft , lives in Medina , Washington .

  2. 西门子(Siemens)已放弃竞标沙特阿拉伯麦加到麦地那70亿美元高铁项目的列车与设备供应合同,转而加入中国企业牵头的一个财团,与他们一起竞投该项目。

    Siemens has dropped a bid to supply trains and equipment for the $ 7bn Mecca-to-Medina high-speed railway line project in Saudi Arabia , opting to join a Chinese consortium bidding for the work .

  3. 此次胜利后不久,穆罕默德于632年在麦地那去世。

    Mohammed died in Medina soon after this victory , in 632 .

  4. 然而,对麦地那的客人们来说,它的可取度是非常高的。

    This is , however , highly desirable for the visitors of Madinah .

  5. 他后来在麦地那传达出的消息很清楚了。

    His later message from Medina was perfectly clear .

  6. 麦地那师的一个旅参加了战斗。

    A single brigade of the " Medina " division was involved in combat .

  7. 麦地那城例外,它的规划意图是吸引知识型企业。

    The exception is Medina City , which is being designed to lure knowledge-based businesses .

  8. 从合作到冲突简析麦地那时期的阿拉伯犹太关系

    It Came on a Wednesday From Cooperate to Conflict & The Relation of Arab-Jew in Medina Times

  9. 在城内有城墙的“麦地那”(地方名),有四分之一是细小的曲径和迂回的街道。

    Inside the city 's medina-its walled , ancient quarter-lies a maze of small , winding streets .

  10. 通过缴纳贡税的形式换取麦地那国家的保护,构成吉玛人与穆斯林对立的核心内容。

    The antagonism between the Dhimmis and the Moslems constituted the main social contradiction in the Medina state .

  11. 因此,穆圣在阿舒拉日斋戒既不是跟随犹太人也不是在麦地那才开始的。

    Thus , the Prophet neither fasted'Ashura'in accordance with the Jews nor did he started fasting it in Madinah .

  12. 五角大楼的国防官员表示,美国人在与麦地那装甲师交火的时候遭遇到猛烈反击。

    Defense officials at the Pentagon said the Apaches encountered heavy groundfire during their assault on the Medina armored division .

  13. 这家高雅与摩洛哥的麦地那它的光,当代触感平静,舒适,私人而鼓舞地开放。

    This elegant Moroccan medina with its light , contemporary touch is calming , comfortable , private yet inspiringly open .

  14. 我们看到麦地那身上的美国特质,这位前囚犯带领一个以信仰为基础的项目,帮助囚犯重回社会。

    We see it in Julio Medina , a former inmate who leads a faith-based program to help prisoners returning to society .

  15. 麦地那国家土地所有制的广泛建立,导致吉玛人对于穆斯林的群体依附状态。

    With the establishment of the land ownership by state , the relations of dependence for Dhimmis to the Medina state were fixed .

  16. 但是他和他的忠实朋友兼信徒阿布贝克一起逃到了采纳他的学说的友好城市麦地那。

    But he escaped with his faithful friend and disciple , Abu bekr , to the friendly town of Medina which adopted his doctrine .

  17. 被攻击附近一座清真寺的迫击炮榴弹穿透的男人参加创伤检查,他几乎每天要来麦地那医院。

    A man pierced by shrapnel from a mortar strike near a mosque joins the scores of wounded who arrive almost daily at Medina Hospital .

  18. 许多学者区分了麦地那人和拜访者关于站在圣陵前的可取度。

    Some scholars made a distinction between the dwellers of Madinah and its visitors with regard to the desirability of standing at the Prophet 's grave .

  19. 我们应记得,穆圣(愿主福安之)曾在伊历一月从麦加迁徙到麦地那。

    In the month of Muharram , we should remember the Hijrah of the Prophet ( peace and blessings be upon him ) from Makkah to Madinah .

  20. 经过研究有关阿舒拉日斋戒的传述,我们发现,穆圣(愿主福安之)并没有到麦地那才开始阿舒拉日的斋戒。

    Studying the traditions reported with regard to fasting'Ashura ' , we find that the Prophet ( peace and blessings be upon him ) did not initiate the fasting of'Ashura'in Madinah .

  21. 但是,突出的例子是那些忠实的响应先知的号召,离开麦加舒适的家园而背井离乡去麦地那的人。

    But , it was strikingly illustrated in the case of those faithful ones who responded to the prophet 's call , left the comfort of their homes in Makkah and suffered exile in Madinah .

  22. 阿米里星期二在巴基斯坦驻华盛顿大使馆伊朗电视台采访时宣称,他是在沙特阿拉伯城市麦地那搭车前往清真寺时被绑架的。

    During an interview with Iranian TV from the Pakistani Embassy in Washington Tuesday , Amiri alleged that he had been kidnapped in the Saudi city , Medina , after accepting a ride to a mosque .

  23. 盖茨在他的家乡华盛顿州的麦地那拥有一套价值超过1.2亿美元的豪宅,此番承认对自己不会外语感到遗憾,并非是他第一次让我们了解到他居家的习惯和他自身的顿悟。

    Owner of a mansion worth more than $ 120million in his hometown of Medina , Washington , Gates ' admission over language is not the first time he has given insight into his domestic habits and personal insights .

  24. 克里格把自己的养老金都提了出来,在卡萨布兰卡老城老麦地那找到了一座古老、宏伟的破旧住宅,那里当时是,今天也依旧是一个破烂不堪,垃圾遍地的地方。

    Kriger cashed in her 401 ( k ) plan and found a wreck of an old stately home in the Ancienne Medina , the old city of Casablanca , which was then and is still a shabby , litter-strewn place .

  25. 人们开始理由充分地认为,阿拉伯伍麦叶里发王朝是征服战争完成后毫无作用的一个寄生集团;伍麦叶王朝曾于661年从麦地那迁都大马士革。

    Thus the Arab Umayyad Dynasty of caliphs , which had moved the capital from MEDLINE to Damascus in661 , came to be regarded with much justification as a parasitic clique that had outlived its usefulness once the conquests were completed .