
  • 网络mclean;MacLean;Macleans;Macklin;Meckling
  1. 詹森和麦克林(1976)将代理理论、产权理论和金融理论的各种要素结合起来,发展了一种有关企业所有权结构的理论,由此引发了公司治理研究的学术热潮。

    Jensen and Meckling ( 1976 ) combined the various factors of the agency theory , property rights theory and financial theory to a kind of corporate ownership structure theory and intrigued the upsurge of the corporate governance study .

  2. 弗吉尼亚州麦克林(McLean)的注册临床社会工作者兼人际关系教练托尼•科尔曼(ToniColeman):把脑子里想的事广而告之绝不是好主意。

    ' Thought broadcasting is never a good thing , ' says Toni Coleman , a McLean , Va. , licensed clinical social worker and relationship coach .

  3. 盖伊伯吉斯(guyburgess)、唐纳德麦克林(donaldmaclean)这两名剑桥流亡间谍也常常来光顾伯吉斯喜欢我们的果酱和油饼。

    Guy Burgess and Donald MacLean , the two exiled Cambridge spies , used to come Burgess liked our marmalade and seedcake .

  4. 在M-M定理的基础上,通过对詹森和麦克林代理成本理论的分析,认为对资本结构进行合理安排,不仅可以实现其自身的优化,而且可以使企业代理成本最小化。

    On the basis of M-M theorem and J-M agency cost analysis , the paper concludes that the rational arrangement of capital structure can realize its own optimization and minimization of agency cost .

  5. 通过引入时间成本,对以信息成本和代理成本权衡来确定最优决策点的J-M(詹森和麦克林)决策权配置模型进行了修正。

    By introducing the opportunity cost of time , Jensen-Meckling 's Model of Decision-making Configuration was modified where the optimal locus of decision making is laid out according to the tradeoff between information cost and agency expenditure .

  6. 弗吉尼亚州麦克林(McLean)的注册临床社会工作者兼人际关系教练托尼•科尔曼(ToniColeman):“把脑子里想的事广而告之绝不是好主意。”还要谨防“假定秘密”,也就是你以为自己保守住了的秘密。

    Thought broadcasting is never a good thing , ' says Toni Coleman , a McLean , Va. , licensed clinical social worker and relationship coach . And beware of ' putative secrets , ' the ones you only think you are keeping .

  7. 麦克林,这个大器晚成的姑娘小时候也曾因为在读写能力上的困难而备受嘲笑,但发现自己有在生活中找到与j.k罗琳相关的纪念品的天赋。

    Maclean , a late bloomer who was teased as a kid because she struggled with reading and writing , found her secret gift was an eye for J.K. Rowling paraphernalia .

  8. 民族精神的同一性问题&麦克林教授访谈录

    An Interview with Prof. George F. McLean on National Identity

  9. 詹森和麦克林定义了两类冲突。

    Jason and McLean and defines two types of conflicts .

  10. 在泰国的一名红十字会协调员乔安娜.麦克林说,应当允许更多的国际救援人员进入灾区。

    A Red Cross coordinator in Thailand , Joanna Maclean , says international relief workers need more access to the region .

  11. 美国麦克林集团是一家私有投资银行。我们重点投资技术、讯、游合和教育。

    It is a private investment bank . However , we are focused in technology , telecommunications , travel and education .

  12. 这种酒是由来自澳大利亚佩拉库特葡萄酒地区麦克林家族葡萄庄园种植的优质的赤霞珠葡萄静心酿制而成的。

    This wine was made from premium parcels of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes grown in the Mclean Family vineyards in the Perricoota Wine region , Australia .

  13. 格兰特和李在阿波马托克斯郡麦克林小屋的那场简短的会晤中所扮演的角色无不彰显了他们的本色。

    No part of either man 's life became him more than the part he played in this brief meeting in the McLean house at Appomattox .

  14. 凯特之前是该杂志的一名作家,她于五月份从创始人杰米•麦克林那里买下了这份已陷入经济困难的杂志。

    A former writer for the magazine , she bought the publication in May from its original founder , Jamie Maclean , after it ran into financial difficulties .

  15. 维多利亚·麦克林在18年前怀孕时就开始收集罗琳相关的纪念品,她拿到了第一版的《哈利波特和魔法石》的复件。

    Victoria Maclean started collecting Rowling-related keepsakes 18 years ago when she was pregnant and got her hands on a first edition copy of " Harry Potter and the Philosopher 's Stone . "

  16. 体操名将路易斯•史密斯在比赛时将黑长卷发梳成紧实的发髻。他是女星露西•麦克林伯格的前男友。本次奥运会中,他从鞍马上摔下,致使英国队痛失奖牌。

    Lucy Mecklenburgh 's ex , who was left devastated when his slip-up at the Rio Olympics cost the British team a bronze medal , pulled his long black locks into a tight mun .