
  • 网络xuhui;Xuhui District
  1. 上海将对徐汇区263个电话亭进行改造。

    Shanghai will make changes to 263 phone booths in Xuhui District .

  2. 方法在上海市徐汇区11所中学开展干预研究,干预持续2年。

    Methods A2-school-year intervention study was conducted in11 high schools in Xuhui district , Shanghai .

  3. 目的对上海市徐汇区胃癌高危患者进行定期胃镜检查依从性评价及高危人群对肿瘤防治的知识、态度和行为(KAP)调查。

    Objective To evaluate the compliance effect of secondary prevention on high risk patients of gastric cancer and to investigate their knowledge , attitudes , and practice about gastric cancer .

  4. 徐汇区1983年出生的,出生体重小于2500g的小儿共190例,进行了连续5年智力发育纵向随访。

    The mental development of 190 low birth weight infants ( LBWI , < 2 500g ) living in Xi Hui district of Shanghai during 1983 were followed up from birth to five years .

  5. 上海市徐汇区天平街道社区高血压患者2年随访管理效果及其影响因素

    Effect of follow-up management on hypertension patients in Tian-ping community of Shanghai

  6. 上海市徐汇区1060名中小学生肠道寄生虫相的调查报告

    Survey of the Intestinal Parasitic Infections of the Primary and High School Students in Shanghai

  7. 上海市徐汇区社会体育指导员现状的调查研究

    Research on the state of social physical culture instructors in Xu Hui district , Shanghai

  8. 我住在徐汇区。

    I live on Xuhui district .

  9. 上海市徐汇区已婚育龄妇女生殖道感染与卫生行为的研究

    Study on Relationship between Reproductive Tract Infections and Personal Hygiene Behaviors among Vulnerable Married Women in Shanghai

  10. [方法]对徐汇区2002年277起卫生行政处罚案件进行追踪,有223起有追踪结果。

    [ Methods ] 277 cases of food administration penalty were traced , and 223 cases had the tracing results .

  11. 其他的商业中心还有卢湾区的经典新天地和淮海路,以及徐汇区的徐家汇商业区;

    Other major commercial areas include the classy Xintiandi and Huaihai Road in Luwan district and Xujiahui in Xuhui District .

  12. 现位于上海市徐汇区,是致力于单片机仿真器开发的高新技术企业。

    Lie in Shanghai Xuhui area now , is a high-tech enterprise that devoted to one-chip computer artificial device developement .

  13. 这对于提升徐汇区的地域价值将起到积极的作用,区域内的房地产也将得到进一步的增值保障。

    It will enhance the value of the geographical zone viruses play a positive role in regional real estate value will be further protected .

  14. 目的:分析上海市徐汇区医疗器械生产企业的现况及存在的问题,为完善监督体系提供依据。

    Objective : To grasp the status of the medical device manufacturers in Xuhui District , Shanghai , discover existing problems , and provide evidences to perfect supervision system .

  15. 目的了解上海市徐汇区标准化社区卫生服务站的现况,为标准化社区卫生服务站的可持续发展提供理论依据和建议。

    OBJECTIVE To know the present state of standard community health service station in Xuhui District of Shanghai , so as to provide warrant and advice for its sustainable development .

  16. 上海徐汇区一所中学为给学生谋福利,推出了一创新建筑特色:一个建在学校屋顶上的篮球场。

    A middle school in Shanghai 's Xuhui district has introduced an innovative architectural feature for the benefit of its students : a basketball court , built on the school 's rooftop .

  17. 比如,据上海市徐汇区民政局去年的统计数据显示,在22岁至24岁的大学毕业生中,有1221人结婚,比上一年增加了50%。

    Last year , for example , Shanghai 's Xuhui District Civil Affairs Bureau saw 1221 college graduates aged 22 to 24 tie the knot , up 50 percent on the previous year .

  18. 答:2014年的一个机缘巧合,上海徐汇区区长和我有过一次交谈,他问我是否愿意把自己的工作室搬到上海。

    A. A rare occurrence happened in 2014 , when the mayor of Shanghai 's Xuhui District and I had a discussion . He asked me if I would move my studio space to Shanghai .

  19. 龙华医院附属于上海中医药大学,地址:上海市徐汇区宛平南路,电话:862164385700,开放时间:上午8:11:30,下午1:00-5:00.

    LongHua Hospital , affiliated with Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine , 725 Wanping Nan Lu , Xuhui District , Shanghai ; + 86 21 6438 5700 ; open daily 8-11:30 a.m. , 1-5 p.m.

  20. 上海市徐汇区人民法院对这三家在中国流行的信息应用程序微信上散播虚假信息的公司做出了判决,同时还要求这三家公司必须公开道歉。

    The Shanghai 's Xuhui District People 's Court ruled that the three companies , which provided the faked content to WeChat , China 's popular messaging app , also must make a public apology .

  21. 对上海市徐汇区1956~1985年麻疹病例的流行病学分析表明,麻疹有明显的季节性,初夏高峰在双年6月,冬春高峰在单年1月。

    Epidemiological analyses of measles cases reported to Anti-Epidemic Division of Xu Hui District Health Center from 1956 to 1985 were carried out . Significant seasonal peaks of the incidence of measles were found : early summer peak in June of even years ;

  22. 胡歌于1982年出生于上海徐汇区,并于2001年被上海戏剧学院录取,在2005年因饰演由电脑游戏改编的同名电视剧《仙剑奇侠传》的男主角之后一炮走红。

    Born in Shanghai 's Xuhui District in 1982 , he was admitted to Shanghai Theater Academy in 2001 and immediately skyrocketed to stardom in 2005 after playing the leading actor in Chinese Paladin , a TV series based on a popular role play game of the same name .