
  • 网络Xu Zheng;George Xu
  1. 这部电影由徐峥主演,取材于一名中国白血病患者的真实故事。

    The film stars Xu Zheng and is based on the real-life story of a Chinese leukemia patient .

  2. 徐朗由徐峥导演饰演,是一个精明能干的技术员,一心想把他的发明推向市场。

    Xu Lang , played by director Xu Zheng , is a savvy scientist transfixed on bringing his invention to market .

  3. 《今日头条》上与星爷相关的报道点击量高达2.8亿,几乎是徐峥的四倍,徐峥是仅次于星爷的高人气喜剧片导演,他最有名的作品是2012年的《泰囧》。

    More than 280 million hits were recorded on Toutiao.com stories related to Chow - outstripping by almost four times those for Xu Zheng , the most popular director in the category after Chow . Xu is best-known for Lost in Thailand ( 2012 ) .