
  • 网络barbie hsu;Barbie Xu;barbie
  1. 即使是台湾演员,大S(徐熙媛)和小S也推荐此面膜。

    Even Taiwanese actresses , Big 'S ' ( Da S also known as Barbie Hsu ) and Small 'S ' ( Xiao S also known as Dee Hsu ) recommend the masks .

  2. 同时,他们也在考虑,原班人马:深受喜爱的F4--言承旭、周渝民、朱孝天和吴建豪,以及女主角徐熙媛,是否能够回归客串一些角色。

    They will also see if the original cast , the well-loved F4 - Jerry Yan , Vic Zhou , Ken Zhu and Van Ness Wu , and Barbie , can do cameo roles .

  3. 就在该消息公布前不久,《流星花园》的昔日女主角徐熙媛才刚刚在微博上和粉丝庆祝该剧播出纪念日,还透露柴智屏为他们准备了惊喜。

    The announcement came in the heels of former Meteor Garden lead actress Barbie Hsu 's post on her social media account greeting fans because of the show 's anniversary and saying Angie has a surprise for them .