
  • 网络hsu fu chi;HSUFUCHI
  1. 尽管雀巢和徐福记均未透露潜在交易的细节,但知情人士表示,早先考虑的一个选择是出售少数股权,而卡夫食品(Kraft)是对此感兴趣的其它潜在合作方之一。

    While neither Nestl é nor Hsu Fu Chi disclosed details of the potential transaction , people familiar with the talks said one option that had previously been under consideration was the sale of a minority stake , and that Kraft was among other potential parties that had been interested .

  2. 中国政府会允许雀巢收购徐福记吗?

    Will the Chinese government allow Nestl é to buy Hsu Fu Chi ?

  3. 雀巢与徐福记的谈判结果如何,现在还有待观察。

    It remains to be seen how negotiations will pan out .

  4. 徐福记是对中国中产阶层壮大的看涨期权。

    Hsu Fu Chi is a call option on growth in the Chinese middle class .

  5. 其中台湾品牌有旺旺和徐福记,市场份额占到20%。

    Of these brands , Wang-want and Xufuji are Taiwanese , accounting for 20 % market share .

  6. 徐福记表示,正在与雀巢以及其它公司就建立长期合作协议举行谈判。

    The company said it was in talks with Nestl é and other companies about a long-term partnership agreement .

  7. 虽然徐福记和嘉士利是本土品牌,但是加起来才只有20%市场份额,依然属于少数派。

    Xufuji and Jiashili aredomestic brands , and though they together account for 20 % , they are still in the minority .

  8. 因此,雀巢急需徐福记在中国的销售网络,和徐福记对中国消费者口味的了解。

    Hence Nestl é " s hunger for Hsu Fu Chi 's distribution network , and for its knowledge of what tickles Chinese taste buds .

  9. 过去两年,雀巢在中国四处搜寻收购目标,并没有一眼挑中徐福记。

    Nestl é has been sniffing around for takeover targets in China for the past two years . Hsu Fu Chi is not its first bite .

  10. 徐福记是在新加坡交易所上市的,该交易所的声誉略差,另外,徐福记历史上屡遭卫生与食品安全部门的调查。

    Hsu Fu Chi is listed in Singapore regarded as a less prestigious exchange and the company also has a history of run-ins with health and safety authorities .

  11. 目前排名前十位的零食品牌为:旺旺、卡夫食品、上好佳、达能、箭牌糖果、德芙、好丽友、徐福记和嘉士利。

    The top 10 snack brands are Want-want , Kraft Foods , LIWAYWAY , DANONE , Wm Wrigley Jr Company , Dove , ORION , Xufuji and Jiashili .

  12. 如果交易获得监管者和股东的批准,徐福记将退市,雀巢和徐氏兄弟将把该公司作为一家合资企业经营。

    If the deal is approved by regulators and shareholders , the stock will be delisted , with Nestl é and the Hsu brothers operating the company as a joint venture .

  13. 雀巢计划收购在新加坡上市的徐福记60%的股权,剩下的40%股权将由徐福记的创建者台湾徐氏四兄弟持有。

    The Swiss group plans to purchase 60 per cent of Singapore-listed Hsu Fu Chi , with the remaining 40 per cent to be owned by four Taiwanese brothers who founded the company .

  14. 如果交易成功,这将成为中国最大的外国公司收购案之一:在新加坡股票交易所,徐福记估值高达26亿美元。

    If a deal is sealed , it would be one of the largest foreign takeovers yet seen in China : Hsu Fu Chi is valued at $ 2.6 billion on the Singapore stock exchange .

  15. 如果雀巢或者其他某家外国公司要收购徐福记的全部股份,这起交易就将跻身为有史以来最大的外资收购中资公司的案例之一,不过这起交易仍然要面临中国监管机构这一关。

    A deal would likely have to pass Chinese regulators if Nestl é or another company acquires all of Hsu Fu Chi , making it one of the biggest deals by a foreign company in China .

  16. 另外,徐福记曾经与监管机构有过不愉快的过去,如果它出现任何卫生与食品安全问题,可能损及雀巢旗下更广泛业务的声誉。

    Furthermore , if Hsu Fu Chi , which has clashed with regulators in the past , were to suffer any health and safety problems , the reputation of Nestl é' s broader business could suffer .

  17. 世界最大食品生产商雀巢在7月4日证实正在与中国最大糖果点心和烘焙糕点生厂商徐福记谈判,计划收购徐福记。

    On July 4th Nestl é , the world 's largest food maker , confirmed that it is in talks with Hsu Fu Chi , one of China 's biggest makers of confectionery and baked goodies , with a view to buying the firm .