
yuàn shì
  • academician
院士 [yuàn shì]
  • [academician] 科学院内部分高级研究人员的称号

院士[yuàn shì]
  1. 他同时还是IEEE美国电气电子工程师协会(IEEE)的院士。

    Besides , he has also served as the academician of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ) of US .

  2. 袁隆平院士荣获APSA杰出研究成就奖

    Academician YUAN Long-ping Was Given the APSA Award for Outstanding Research Achievement

  3. 当选为英国人文社会科学院的院士

    to be elected to fellowship of the British Academy

  4. 全国政协委员、中科院院士秦大河

    Qin Dahe , member of CPPCC National Committee and an academic with the Chinese Academy of Sciences

  5. 请不要说CEO或科技院士,因为我几乎可以保证你达不到。

    Please dont say CEO or Technical Fellow I can almost guarantee you its not .

  6. 1973年,病毒学家曾毅院士发现了鼻咽癌与EB病毒感染之间的关系。

    In1973 , virologist Zeng Yi revealed a link between NPC and Epstein-Barr virus infection .

  7. 过增元院士于1998年发表了ANovelConceptforConvectiveHeatTransferEnhancement一文,提出了对流换热过程中速度场和热流场之间的场协同问题。

    Professor Guo published the paper ' A Novel Concept for Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement ' in 1998 . In the paper , he brings out a novel concept of heat transfer enhancement , the Field Synergy Principle .

  8. 这也在一方面证明了王院士反对高铁覆盖WiFi是有道理的,因为人们不应当活在高科技数码产品的虚拟世界里。

    That partly justifies Wang 's opposition to the offering of WiFi on high-speed trains , because they are not supposed to be dependent on high-tech gadgets .

  9. 作为一名院士,唐教授以其对时间逻辑的研究著称,而他最广为人知的工作也许是他开发的一组工具,称为XYZ工具。

    An Academy member , Professor Tang is well known for his work in temporal logic and perhaps best known for a set of tools he developed , known as the XYZ tools .

  10. “注册会员”(CMILT)或“院士”(FCILT)称号标示着物流与运输行业中受人尊敬的职业地位。

    The designatory letters CMILT / FCILT signify a respected professional standing within the logistics & transport industry .

  11. 神奇的人脑仍然是NatalyaBekhtereva院士最感兴趣的课题,他的父亲在上个世纪一直从事此研究。

    And it is highly likely that the magic of human brain is still the issue of great interest for Academician Natalya Bekhtereva whose father was working on the problem in the past century .

  12. 然而提升硬件终究不是有效的方式。2006年,由Candes博士和美国斯坦福大学的Donoho院士等人提出一种新理论-压缩传感理论。该理论给从事通信研究的研究员一种新的思路。

    However , upgrading hardware is not a valid way after all . In2006 , a new theory , compressed sensing theory , which is proposed by Dr. Candes and Donoho Academy of Sciences in Stanford University , gives a new idea to the researchers engaged in communication research .

  13. 十六、设立国际权威专家院士委员会。

    16th , Sets up international authoritative expert academician the committee .

  14. 院士思维计量分析与思考

    The Quantitative Analyze and Thinking of the Thoughts of Chinese Academicians

  15. 尚永丰院士是我国著名生物化学与分子生物学家。

    Academician Shang Yongfeng is a famous biochemist and molecular biologist .

  16. 贝时璋院士,中国生物物理学的奠基者辞世,享年107岁。

    Bei Shizhang , Founder of China 's biophysics dies at107 .

  17. 快乐福利人本主义&与黄有光院士的有关讨论

    Happiness , Welfare and Humanism ── Some discussion with Yew-Kwang Ng

  18. 区域农业与农村可持续发展研究探索&辛德惠院士泛生态学理论与实践述评

    Exploring for research of sustainable development on regional agriculture and countryside

  19. 刍议院士文库及其数字化

    A Modest Proposal for the Academician Library and Its Digitization Digitization

  20. 中国水资源管理需要新思维&中国工程院院士王浩访谈录

    The management of water resource in China needs the new thought

  21. 曾院士是国际著名的遗传学家。

    Have been Academy of Sciences is an internationally renowned geneticist .

  22. 高小霞院士,1919年生于浙江萧山。

    Academician Gao Xiaoxia was born in Xiaoshan , Zhejiang Province .

  23. 我还在最近召开的两院院士大会上表扬了你。

    I was in the recently held conference academicians praise you .

  24. 名城保护塑造文化特色&齐康院士访谈录

    Ancient City Protection Shape Cultural Characteristics-An Interview to Academician Qi Kang

  25. 会议由陈俊勇院士主持。

    The meeting was presided over Chen Junyong Academy of Sciences .

  26. 石学敏院士御神思想管窥

    My opinion on academician SHI Xue-min 's thought about spirit in acupuncture

  27. 关于新中国社会科学院士制度问题的研究

    A Study of the Academician System of Social Sciences in New China

  28. 近代留学生与中国科学院院士群体

    The Studying - abroad Students and the Group of Academicians of CAS

  29. 1949年后知识精英与国家的关系&从院士到学部委员

    The Relationship between Intellectual Elites and the State after 1949

  30. 请按此参阅各荣誉大学院士之个人简介。

    Please click here for the personal profile of the HUF recipients .