
  • 网络cheeloo university;Shandong Christian University;qilu university
  1. 齐鲁大学不得不在这些方面入行体系的调整。

    Cheeloo University have to adjust in many aspect .

  2. 本文力图从个案和地方史的角度出发,对齐鲁大学与近代山东教育作一探讨,以求给予这一教会大学客观的评价。

    This article is tried to study Cheeloo University and Mod-ern Shantung Education from individual and local history .

  3. 齐鲁大学与近代山东医学教育

    Shandong Christian University and Shandong Medical Education in Modern Times

  4. 1928年到1937年齐鲁大学校园文化主要包括课程文化、课外文化、组织文化等内容。

    The Cheeloo University campus culture mainly included its curriculum culture , extracurricular culture , and organization culture .

  5. 1928年至1937年是齐鲁大学发展的黄金时期,齐鲁大学校园文化也在这一时期表现的最为活跃。

    The campus culture was very active in the period from 1928 to 1937 , the golden age of Cheeloo University .

  6. 一切进行的似乎很顺利,但是与华东大学的矛盾使齐鲁大学陷入尴尬的境地。

    Everything seemed very smooth , because the contradiction with the East China University , Cheeloo University went into an embarrassing situation .

  7. 在齐鲁大学校园文化的发展中,逐渐形成了务实性、社团的学术性、以人为本和宗教性的特点。

    In its development , the Cheeloo University campus culture gradually gained its characteristics of being pragmatic , academic , humanism and religionary .

  8. 齐鲁大学是近代西方基督教差会在山东创办的一所教会大学,也是中国近代社会具有代表性的一所教会大学。

    Cheeloo University is a Christian University founded by the modern west Christianity mission in Shandong , and is also of representation in Chinese modern society .

  9. 文章以齐鲁大学历史档案为主要依据,阐述了齐鲁大学校园文化的整体面貌,并在此基础上分析了齐鲁大学校园文化的特点及其形成的主要因素。

    On the basis of Cheeloo University files , this thesis expounds the overall features of its campus culture and analyzes its characteristics and the main reason for their evolvement .

  10. 齐鲁大学的课程设置全面而新颖,紧跟时代步伐,为学生构建合理的知识结构奠定了基础。

    The arrangement of curriculum in Cheeloo University was comprehensive and novel , trying to keep in step with the times , which laid a foundation for a rational knowledge structure of students .

  11. 组织文化作为校园文化的重要组成部分在齐鲁大学校园文化中也表现的很突出,校歌、校徽、校训充分表现了齐鲁大学的风格和特点。

    The organization culture was also a prominent component of the campus culture of Cheeloo University . The university 's style was fully demonstrated in its school song , school badge and school motto .