- 名play scripts used by actors during Jin and Yuan;loose term for drama in Ming and Qing

[opera played in singsong houses] 元朝时行院进行戏曲表演时的脚本,明、清时称各种戏剧
The Jin dramas and folk songs gave a fresh presence and stood out in Chinese literary history , influencing the shaping and development of Bei qu ( northern tune ) .
Special activities held by the Central Office of Administration : Green .
There was a comical drama on Dang Dynasty 's WAGN Bo in the31th chapter of Jin Ping Mei Cihua .
School leadership is decision-making body . Finance Department is financial management institutions . Audit department and financial settlement centers are financial oversight bodies .
The Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS ) reported last week ( 11 November ) that the Ministry of Science and Technology had approved the research programme findings .
The existence of it shows the scholars in Ming Dynasty created Yuanben ; Yuanben , as an earlier dramatic form , still performed in the middle of Ming Dynasty .
At present , this system has been put on trial , through actual use , this personnel salary management system can satisfy the personnel and wages manage at present .
Early in Song Dynasty and Jin Dynasty , the catalogue had Zhuang Zhou Dream , Butterfly Dream , unfortunately had already been lost , and had no ways for investigation .
Gongzhuling City hospital of Chinese medicine based on life-saving , people-oriented work ethic , and AIDS patients to do due diligence , will be treated equally by the patients of the community .
The three playing form of it were Duixi , Yuanben , and Zaju ( comic performance in the Song dynasty ), and they reflect three levels of the Chinese play during evolutional process .
A study released on Tuesday by the American College of Chest Physicians found smokers who combine exercise with nicotine gum or transdermal patches are more likely to quit than those who rely onnicotine replacement therapyalone .
A report issued this month by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , a top government think tank , said China could further cut the ratio as the broad money supply has grown more slowly this year .
The overall assessment of soil quality in the research area was affected by the spotted distribution of pollution sources , but they would not cause any soil pollution to the area in normal case according to the indies of the six heavy metals measured .