
Mài zhé lún hǎi xiá
  • Straits of Magellan
  1. 他曾经穿过了麦哲伦海峡,他给她讲可怕的巴塔丹尼亚印地安人的故事。

    He had sailed through the Straits of Magellan and he told her stories of the terrible Patagonians .

  2. 去年10月,中国军舰编队还首次通过南美洲最南端的麦哲伦海峡(StraitofMagellan)。

    And , last October , its ships made their first voyage through the Strait of Magellan at the southern tip of South America .

  3. 从墨西哥到麦哲伦海峡我们是一个单独的混血种族。

    We are one single mestizo race from Mexico to the Magellan Straits .

  4. 智利南部一城市,位于麦哲伦海峡沿岸;世界上最靠南的城市。

    A city in S Chile on the Strait of Magellan ; the southernmost city in the world .

  5. 从西班牙出发,绕过南美洲,发现麦哲伦海峡,然后横渡太平洋。

    Starting from Spain , bypassing South America , found that Magellan Strait , and then crossing the Pacific .

  6. 在每一步里,我们都将有一套程序去实现麦哲伦海峡旅游系统的构思。

    With each step , we will have a set of programs that form the fancied Magellan Travel system .

  7. 7月3日,我们到达麦哲伦海峡口上,与童女峡在同一个纬度。

    By July 3 we were at the entrance to the Strait of Magellan , abreast of Cabo de las Virgenes .

  8. 那时我们已经过了南回归线,麦哲伦海峡就在不到七百海里的南方、

    We had crossed the Tropic of Capricorn , and the Strait of Magellan opened less than 700 miles to the south .

  9. 远离南美洲的一个群岛;麦哲伦海峡将其与大陆分离;由智利和阿根廷共通管理。

    An archipelago off S South America ; separated from the continent by the Strait of Magellan ; islands are administered by Chile and by Argentina .