
  • 网络River Sediment;fluvial deposit
  1. 河流沉积物中Cu、Pb、Zn与pH值显著相关,但湖泊中却相关性不显著。

    Pb and Cu mainly accumulated in organic forms , Cu , Pb and Zn are significantly correlated with pH in river sediments , but not in lake sediments .

  2. 湖泊沉积物中重金属的溶出反应与AVS氧化密切相关,而河流沉积物中重金属的溶出反应则还与铁锰氧化物及有机质的变化有关。

    In the lake sediment , the heavy metals release is related closely to AVS oxidation ; while in the river sediments , this process is also related to the change of Fe and Mn oxides and organic matters in addition to AVS oxidation .

  3. 曝气对河流沉积物中重金属Cu,Pb,Zn和Cd释放的影响

    Effect of Aeration on Heavy Metals Cu , Pb , Zn and Cd Release from River Sediment

  4. Sr、Co、Rb则可以用于区分黄河、长江和韩国河流沉积物的来源。

    Sr , Co and Rb can discriminate sediment sources of the Yellow River , Yangtze River and Korean rivers .

  5. 通过利用微波消解&原子吸收法测定标准河流沉积物样品中重金属元素Cu、Ni、Zn、Mn的含量,优化了微波消解的工作条件,并与电热板消解法进行了比对试验。

    The contents of Cu ? Ni ? Zn and Mn are determined in the deposit samples of the standard rivers by the microwave clearing up-atomic absorption method .

  6. 目前,我国部分土壤和河流沉积物已受到PAHs污染,对人体健康和环境质量构成潜在的威胁。

    Since high PAHs contents have been reported in some soil and sediment environments of China , we are concerned that the high potential of PAHs threatens human health and environmental quality .

  7. 长江与黄河沉积物金属元素地球化学特征及其比较长江与黄河沉积物REE组成特征与世界其他河流沉积物REE特点一致,它们也可作为河流入海物质组成代表。

    GEOCHEMISTRY OF METALS IN SEDIMENTS FROM CHANGJIANG RIVER AND HUANGHE RIVER AND THEIR COMPARISON REE compositions of the Yangtze and the Yellow river sediments can be used as indicators of matter entering sea of rivers in the world .

  8. 我国东部河流沉积物中的多氯联苯

    The contents of polychlorinated biphenyl in river sediments in eastern China

  9. 河流沉积物环境放射性标准物质的研制

    Development of River Sediment Certified Reference Material for Environmental Radioactivity

  10. 长江水系河流沉积物重金属元素含量的计算方法研究

    Calculation of heavy metal contents in sediments of the Changjiang River System

  11. 珠江三角洲河流沉积物中的壬基酚

    Nonylphenol in sediments from rivers of the Pear River Delta

  12. 中韩河流沉积物微量元素地球化学研究

    Geochemistry of trace elements in Chinese and Korean river sediments

  13. 北京地区河流沉积物的金属元素背景值研究

    Background values of metal elements in river sediments within the Beijing area

  14. 气相色谱法研究有机物在河流沉积物上的吸附

    Study on Adsorption of Organic Compounds on River Sediment Using Gas Chromatography

  15. 深圳市河流沉积物重金属污染特征及评价

    Pollution characteristics and assessment of heavy metals in river sediments in Shenzhen City

  16. 攀枝花地区河流沉积物的重金属污染研究

    Heavy metal pollution of stream sediment in Panzhihua area

  17. 但是一般情况下,河流沉积物是不会积的很厚。

    But stream deposits are rarely more than a few degrees from horizontal .

  18. 城市污染河流沉积物中铬的形态与释放

    Species and release behavior of chromium in sediments of the urban contaminated river

  19. 河流沉积物中蕴含丰富的环境信息。

    There is a variety of environmental information contained in the river sediments .

  20. 淡水河流沉积物甲基汞释放规律的研究

    A study on release of methyl-mercury from freshwater sediments

  21. 土壤和河流沉积物中硫的形态分析

    Fractionation of sulphur in soil and river sediment

  22. 河北平原河流沉积物的结构特征

    Texture features of river sediment in Hebei Plain

  23. 太仓郊区河流沉积物重金属污染现状及评价

    Pollution situation and assessment of heavy metals in fluvial sediments in suburb of Taicang

  24. 没有外加碳源的情况下,河流沉积物中的水合金属氧化物对苯胺降解具有促进作用;

    With additional carbon resources , hydrous metal oxides had stimulative effect on aniline .

  25. 中国东部主要河流沉积物的比表面及其地域差异研究

    Specific surface areas of the sediments from the main rivers in the eastern China

  26. 长江中游地区洪泛沉积物与正常河流沉积物磁组构特征对比研究

    A comparative study of magnetic fabric characters between flooded sediments and normal river sediments

  27. 塞曼效应原子吸收光谱法直接测定河流沉积物中铅和铜

    Direct Determination of Copper and Lead in River Sediment by Zeeman Effect Atomic Absorption

  28. 重庆市城镇河流沉积物重金属污染的潜在生物毒性评价

    Potential Biological Toxicity Assessment on the Pollution of Heavy Metals in Fluvial Sediment in Chongqing

  29. 上海市小城镇河流沉积物磷污染特征研究

    Seasonal and Spatial Variation of Phosphorus in River Sediment of Small Towns in Shanghai City

  30. 长江中游现代河流沉积物磁组构参数值特征研究

    Magentic fabric parameter character of modern fluvial deposit in the middle reaches of Yangtze River