
  • 网络amount of river runoff
  1. Hudson海湾的河川径流量在整个加拿大河川径流量中占有很大的比例,所有河流排泄量约30%流入了Hudson和James海湾。

    Hudson Bay streamflow represents a major component of the streamflow in Canada , approximately 30 % of all river discharge enters Hudson and James Bays . Three current hydrological research issues are examined for this region .

  2. 长治市河川径流量分布特征及变化趋势研究分析

    Research on the Distribution Characteristics and Variation Tendency of Stream Runoff in Changzhi City

  3. 我国沿岸入海河川径流量与输沙量的估算

    The estimation of discharge and loads from the rivers flowing into littoral seas of China

  4. 而地表径流量、次地表径流量、地下径流量及河川径流量主要受降水量变化的影响,受气温变化的影响相对较小。

    But the surface runoff , subsurface runoff , ground water and runoff are mostly effected by precipitation . The temperature influence on them is comparative less .

  5. 该模型能分离水土流失综合治理对河川径流量的作用大小,并可估算任一年份水土保持措施对降雨产流量的影响程度。

    These models can be used to estimate impact of control measures on river runoff , and to what degree these measures effect the runoff production in river catchments at any given year .

  6. 近几十年来在气温升高、降水增加、积雪量增加、蒸发减少的大背景下下,流域河川径流量响应气候、冰川变化呈现增加趋势。

    For decades in the background of the rising temperature , the increasing precipitation and snow and decreasing evaporation over the basin , river runoff presented the increasing trend to response the climate and glacier changes .

  7. 在全球气候变暖和人类活动干扰增强的大背景下,河川径流量发生了显著的变化,加剧了水资源的短缺,并导致生态环境的恶化。

    The river runoff had undergone significant change under the background of global warming and human activities enhanced , the shortage of water resources were exacerbated , and lead to the deterioration of the ecological environment .

  8. 而月径流量模拟结果则显示,林地、草地开垦为耕地后,汛期河川径流量增大,枯水期径流量减少,这说明林地、草地具有涵养水源、消减洪峰的作用。

    The monthly stream flow simulation results showed that the stream flow increased in flood season and decreased in other seasons when forestland and pasture reclaimed . It explained that forestland and pasture had water conservation and decrease flood peak functions .

  9. 近年塔里木盆地河川年径流量变化趋势分析

    Recent Tendency Analysis of River Discharge in the Tarim Basin

  10. 森林采伐面积与年径流量呈正相关,森林采伐能增加河川年径流量;

    Forest harvesting could also significantly increase the peak flood and snowmelt runoff .

  11. 而在林率高于10%的流域,森林具有减少河川年径流量的效应;

    But the forest rate is higher by 10 % watershed , the forest has cut back potamic year runoff 's effect .

  12. 河川天然径流量变化与趋势预测研究对陆地水循环与水量平衡研究和水资源利用等均有重要意义。

    Natural runoff variety and current forecasting researches are very useful for terrestrial water cycling and water balance research and water resources management .

  13. 在森林因素中,森林面积增加对河川年径流量的影响程度大于单位集水区面积森林蓄积量增加的作用。

    Among the forest factors , the effects of increasing forest coverage was larger than the unit stock volume increased on fluvial annual runoff .

  14. 水土保持也使河川地下径流量有所减少,但降低程度较地表径流量小。

    Furthermore , soil and water conservation also resulted in the underground flow decrease but its decrease extent is smaller than of surface flow .

  15. 40多年来,在气候暖干化的背景下,陕甘宁地区地表水资源变化总趋势为减少,表现为自1950年代末以来河川年径流量的显著减少倾向,而且贫水化也日趋严重。

    For over 40 years , under the background of climatic warming , river runoff of Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia region has showed a generally reduction trend .