
hé shuǐ
  • river water
河水 [hé shuǐ]
  • [river water] 河里的水,含有碳酸盐、硫酸盐及钙等溶解物与海水主要含有氯化物和钠有区别

河水[hé shuǐ]
  1. 喝河水很容易闹肚子。

    It 's easy to get a tummy upset from river water .

  2. 戴维跪下身,用手捧起河水往脸上撩。

    David knelt , cupped his hands and splashed river water on to his face

  3. 河水中的化学物质含量不容忽视。

    The levels of chemicals in the river are not insignificant .

  4. 她提起裙子走进河水中。

    She hiked up her skirt and waded into the river .

  5. 小船打转以舷侧冲入河水的洪流。

    The boat swung broadside on to the current of the river .

  6. 大雨过后,河水暴涨。

    After heavy rain , the river was in spate .

  7. 他们无声地航行在平静的河水上。

    They ghosted up the smooth waters of the river .

  8. 平静的河水突然中断,开始奔腾直泻而下。

    The calm water ends there and the river begins a headlong plunge .

  9. 我们到科罗拉多河湍急的河水中划皮划艇。

    We went white-water rafting on the Colorado River .

  10. 河水上升了好几米。

    The river has risen several metres .

  11. 河水泛滥淹没了河谷。

    The river flooded the valley .

  12. 河水决堤,淹没了整个村庄。

    The river burst its banks , submerging an entire village .

  13. 这些堤坝限制了河水顺流而下。

    These dams have restricted the flow of the river downstream .

  14. 伏尔加河水终将干涸。

    In the end the Volga 's waters will run dry .

  15. 他的独木舟在险滩下面的河水中。

    His canoe was there , on the river below the rapids .

  16. 流入湖中的泉水和河水携带了溶于水的硝酸盐和磷酸盐。

    Springs and rivers that drain into lakes carry dissolved nitrates and phosphates

  17. 芝加哥河的河水淹没了城市的地下隧道系统。

    The Chicago River flooded the city 's underground tunnel system

  18. 转过一处大弯后,地面消失在与河水相接处。

    The ground fell away in a broad sweep down to the river .

  19. 泰晤士河河水暴涨,成群的加拿大雁迅速游向下游。

    The Thames was in spate , with flocks of Canada geese speeding downriver .

  20. 他们的街区正被科罗拉多河上涨的河水淹没。

    Their neighborhood is being inundated by the rising waters of the Colorado River .

  21. 建筑物就矗立在水中,河水轻轻拍打着墙壁。

    The building was right on the river and the water lapped the walls .

  22. 他们在河水上涨仓促逃离时,丢掉了一些值钱的装备。

    In their haste to escape the rising water , they dropped some expensive equipment

  23. 部分路面已被河水冲毁,但仍可以通行。

    Parts of the road had been washed away by streams , but it was negotiable .

  24. 河水汩汩地流淌着。

    The river gurgled and burbled .

  25. 河水在桥的周围荡漾。

    The water sloshed around the bridge

  26. 冰河是犹如河水般流动的巨大冰体。

    Glaciers are moving rivers of ice

  27. 环保主义者称引流河水会导致地下水位下降和水井干枯。

    Environmentalists say that diverting water from the river will lower the water table and dry out wells .

  28. 土耳其计划利用底格里斯河和幼发拉底河的河水开发大型水电项目。

    Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydro-electric power projects .

  29. 河水泛滥是大雨造成的。

    The flooding of the river was consequent on the heavy rain .

  30. 河水溢过了大坝。

    The river overflowed the dam .