
  • 网络river runoff;streamflow;river flow
  1. 山东河川径流可持续利用探讨

    Discussion of sustainable utilization on river flow in Shandong Province

  2. 黄土高原水土保持对河川径流及土壤水文的影响

    Impacts of Soil and Water Conservation on River Flow and Soil-hydrology on the Loess Plateau

  3. 基于Copula函数的河川径流丰枯遭遇分析

    Synchronous-Asynchronous encounter probability of rich-poor runoff based on copula function

  4. 分析了冬季北大西洋涛动(NAO)和北极涛动(AO)与新疆天山南北不同流域河川径流变化的关系。

    An analysis of the relationships between the North Atlantic Oscillation ( NAO ), Arctic Oscillation ( AO ) and river runoff throughout Xinjiang region of China was presented .

  5. 结果表明:影响北半球气温、降水等气候驱动因子的NAO和AO同样与新疆河川径流的变化具有显著的遥相关。

    The results suggest that the NAO and AO , which drives the climate change of the Northern Hemisphere , have a significant teleconnection with river runoff in Xinjiang Region .

  6. 利用区域系统环境集成模式(RIEMS)和一个OFFLINE的大尺度汇流模型(LRM)对黄河的河川径流做了模拟。

    The streamflow over the Yellow River basin is simulated by using the high-resolution Regional Integrated Environmental Model System ( RIEMS ), and an off-line Large-scale Routing Model ( LRM ) .

  7. RIEMS-LRM可以用来模拟和预测大尺度河流的河川径流。

    The RIEMS-LRM allows the direct comparison of predicted and observed streamflow data for large-scale rivers .

  8. RIEMS-LRM在黄河上游河段的应用证实其有能力对大尺度河流的河川径流进行模拟。

    The application of the RIEMS-LRM to the upper reaches of the Yellow River verifies that the coupled model system has the capability to simulate the streamflow over a large-scale river .

  9. 河川径流的年内分配特征与特定的径流补给条件关系密切。

    Annual runoff distribution is connected with the flow recharge situation .

  10. 河川径流资料用于水污染控制的效益估算

    The Benefit Estimation of Controlling Water Pollution with River Runoff Data

  11. 广义翁氏旋回模型及其在河川径流预测中的应用

    Generalized Weng Cycle Model and Its Application to Stream Flow Prediction

  12. 基于复杂性理论的黄河河川径流序列诊断分析

    Diagnoses on the Yellow River runoff series based on complexity theory

  13. 复杂性理论在河川径流时间序列分析中的应用研究

    Application Study of Complexity Theory in River Runoff Time Series Analysis

  14. 研究了该地区河川径流与当地气候变化之间的关系;

    First the relationship between streamflow and local climate change is reviewed .

  15. 山西省近期河川径流特性及研究方向讨论

    The Recent Streamflow Characteristics And The Discussion of Research Direction of Shanxi Province

  16. 河川径流与泥沙沿程曲线

    Curve of the variation of river fiow and sediment discharge along river course

  17. 湟水上游河川径流丰枯分析

    Analysis on ample flow and low water for upper reaches in Huangshui river

  18. 基于马尔可夫模型的河川径流丰枯状态预测

    Forecasting of the Runoff Based on the Markov Model

  19. 近50%的河川径流被工农业耗用;

    Almost 50 % of yearly runoff was consumed by the agriculture and industries ;

  20. 分析了大同市河川径流减少的原因,并对其进行了粗浅的定量计算。

    Analysis on influence of the hydrologic lower bedding course upon the river runoff ;

  21. 河川径流中悬移质泥沙浓度与总泥沙浓度间有很好的相关性;

    The concentration of suspended sediment is well interrelated with that of total sediment .

  22. 河川径流序列协整预测研究

    A Study on the Cointegration Forecast of Runoff

  23. 塔里木河流域2001年四源一干河川径流运行分析

    Hydrological Regimes of Four Source Rivers and Mainstream of Tarim River , Xinjiang in 2001

  24. 天山山地森林调节河川径流作用的探讨

    A Study on Regulating Function of Forest on Fluvial Annual Runoff Discharge on Tianshan Mountains

  25. 青藏高原东部河川径流特征

    Streamflow Characteristics of the Eastern Qinghai Plateau

  26. 河川径流与水文下垫面关系分析

    Relation between hydrography underlying surface and runoff

  27. 西北干旱地区河川径流年际变化参数的初步研究

    On the Study of the Interannual Variation of River Runoff in the North-west Arid Regions

  28. 森林对河川径流的调节作用随森林水文功能的变化而变化。

    The forest adjusting function on rivers runoff alters as the forest hydrological function changing .

  29. 这种气候变化特征对流域内的青海湖水位和河川径流有重要影响。

    These climatic changes had great impacts on Qinghai Lake level and runoffs in this watershed .

  30. 西北气候环境转型信号在新疆河川径流变化中的反映

    The Signal of Climatic Shift in Northwest China Deduced from River Runoff Change in Xinjiang Region