
  • 网络design capacity;designed capacity
  1. 确定了太阳能热发电站设计容量与集热器相对于定日镜中心点高度的关系。

    The relationship between the tower height and the design capacity of the aim plant is found .

  2. 我们的重大收藏和卓著的设计容量使我们提供遇见我们的买家各种各样的口味的样式。

    Our significant collection and outstanding design capacity enable us to offer styles that meet various tastes of our buyers .

  3. 变频器和PLC在小区生活水泵房的应用雨水泵房设计容量增大系数Z值探讨

    Discussion on Increasing Coefficient Z Value of Designed Capacity of Rainwater Pumping House

  4. 其低温系统氦制冷机在4K温区的基本设计容量为1050W/3.5K+200W/4.4K+13g/s·LHe。

    The basic capacity of the helium refrigerator is 1 050 W / 3.5 K + 200 W / 4.4 K + 13 g / s · LHe .

  5. 电池的容量达到设计容量,其中正极活性物质的利用率达80%以上。

    Its discharge capacity meets the designed capacity and the positive active material utilization is more than 80 % .

  6. 结果表明该事故闸门可以动水关闭,启闭机的设计容量满足动水关闭要求。

    It showed that the emergency gate can close down safely in hydrodynamic conditions and the design capability of the hoist can also meet the design requirement .

  7. 电弧炉的主要参数有变压器的设计容量、长期允许过载容量、常用二次侧电压、炉膛设计参数、极心圆设计参数等。

    The main parameters of electric arc furnaces were transformer design capacity , long-term allow overload capacity , common secondary side voltage , the design of furnace parameters and design parameters .

  8. 结果表明,人工膀胱的贮尿器植入后能保持设计容量,流体力学性能良好;

    The results showed that the designed capacity of the the artifical bladder could be retained in all after implantation and their hydromechanics could meet the physiological request of the hosts .

  9. 合理设计一些容量小的、针对特定靶标的化合物库(称为集中库,focusedlibrary),是当前组合库设计中的热点。

    Currently , rational design of small focused libraries , which are biased toward specific therapeutic targets , is at the forefront of combinatorial library design .

  10. 为此,本文设计了容量为50kVA的有源滤波器并对其电流检测检测、控制及实现技术进行了深入的研究,这些研究工作对于APF的早日工业化推广应用具有重大的意义。

    For this purpose , in this thesis , the detecting , control and realization technologies are studied deeply , the research on which is of great importance to the early industrialization application of APF .

  11. 文中分析排出空气包胶囊的工作原理和工作环境,认为该型排出空气包胶囊因设计中容量小(30L),而造成胶囊频繁损坏。

    The paper analyses working principle and working environment of air tank capsule , and finds the reason of capsule injury which is small content of air tank capsule ( 30L ) .

  12. 设计大容量的地址码是该技术实用化的前提。

    The design of great capability address codes is the precondition to practicability of this technique .

  13. 由于目前全控型电力电子器件的容量比较小,因此有源电力滤波器设计补偿容量有限。

    At present , the capacity of all-controlled power electronic devices is small , so the design capacity of APF is limited .

  14. 唯一经过抗震设计的容量为75000加仑的架上钢水槽,位于长滩海岸附近。

    The only known elevated steel tank designed to resist earthquake forces was a 75 , 000-gal structure near the Long Beach waterfront .

  15. 设计较大存储容量的USB接口是解决数据存储的一个方法。

    It is a good way to design USB interface .

  16. TD-SCDMA室分设计中的容量估算及小区配置

    Capacity Estimate and Cell Configuration in TD-SCDMA Indoor Distribution System Design

  17. 本设计给出大容量闪存卡CF及文件系统在采煤机振动检测中的应用。

    The application of the high-capacity CF card and the file system in the vibration detection of shearer is introduced .

  18. 分析讨论了多重化大功率有源电力滤波器(APF)的基本结构及控制方法,设计了便于容量扩展的基于双DSP的数模混合控制系统。

    The configuration and operation principle of the power APF with multiple PWM converters are introduced and analyzed . According to the control purpose , the digital-analog hybrid control system based on dual DSP is presented .

  19. 介绍视音频延时器用大容量FIFO的设计,大容量FIFO的设计采用了SDRAM代替双口RAM,并采用FPGA设计双口SDRAM控制器。

    A design of deep FIFO for video and audio delay line device is introduced . The deep FIFO is implemented by using SDRAM instead of dual port RAM , and a dual port SDRAM controller is implemented by FPGA .

  20. 运用此计算公式解决了模具造型设计中瓶子容量不准的问题。

    It is used in mold-design to improve the volume accuracy of bottles .

  21. 廉价的设计是低容量应用的理想选择。

    The cost-effective design is ideal for low-volume applications .

  22. 它的动力系统出自特斯拉的设计,包括容量为28千瓦时的电池组和电池管理系统。

    The drive parts are Tesla 's devising , including a 28 kwh lithium battery pack and power-management system .

  23. 本文提出了将计算机网络设计中链路容量分配算法和流量分配算法相结合的优化算法。

    An optimal algorithm jointly considering the capacity assignment and the flow assignment algorithms for computer network design is proposed .

  24. 本文引入一种基于小波多尺度分析的方法,可用于网络结构设计,网络容量规划,网络性能评价。

    The wavelet analysis is introduced into network traffic for the nework design , nework dimension , network performance evaluation .

  25. 综合电源装置主要包括太阳能独立光伏发电装置和小型水平轴风力发电装置,通过对系统的耗电情况分析,对太阳能光伏发电装置和风力发电装置的结构进行了设计并对容量进行了计算。

    Integrated power unit is composed of an independent solar photovoltaic power device and a small horizontal axis wind power device .

  26. 优化板设计要求相同容量少传热表面积,并带来持久的投资成本减少。

    The optimized plate design requires less heat transfer surface area for the same capacity and brings about a lasting reduction of investment costs .

  27. 阐述了柴油发电机组在高层民用建筑消防设计中的容量计算、选型等问题。

    This paper expounds several problems on capacity count and size election of diesel oil generator set in fire prevention design of high civil buildings .

  28. 并且在设计电机的容量比实际需要高出很多,存在“大马拉小车”的现象,造成电能的大量浪费。

    In addition , the designed capacity of motor is much higher than the actual value , which leads to the great waste of electricity energy .

  29. 为了对所设计的系统容量进行评价,提出了系统效率,测量量更新周期,事故传输延时等几个系统性能参数,并对几个参数的物理意义进行了分析,进一步推导出了性能参数的计算方法。

    Putting out system efficiency , update cycle of measure data , incident transmission delay . Analyzed each parameters . Deduced out calculation formula of each parameters .

  30. 本文对直流偏磁下产生的励磁电流各谐波成分进行了理论分析和仿真验证,并采用自行设计的小容量变压器进行了直流偏磁实验。

    In this thesis , the harmonic components are theoretically analysed and simulated under DC bias magnetization , and a small capacity transformer is designed for experiment .