
  • 网络shiraz;Syrah;shirazi
  1. 2009年托布雷酒庄(Torbreck)产伐木工设拉子(Woodcutter'sShiraz),25欧元

    and 2009 Torbreck Woodcutter 's Shiraz , EUR25

  2. 我喜爱所有的红葡萄酒,但更偏好澳大利亚设拉子。

    I like all red wines , but I am really partial to Australian shiraz .

  3. 红酒的话可选择梅洛(Merlot)、品诺塔吉(Pinotage)或设拉子,白葡萄酒则可选择霞多丽(Chardonnay)、赛美蓉(Semillon)和维欧尼(Viognier)。

    Something like a Merlot , Pinotage or Shiraz for reds or Chardonnay , Semillon and Viognier for whites .

  4. 达里安•设拉子(DarianShirazi)是一位支持上述观点的年轻科技创业家。

    Darian Shirazi is one young tech entrepreneur who supports the idea .

  5. 我们的设拉子红葡萄酒和霞多丽白葡萄酒都很受喜爱。

    Both our red and white wines were warmly received by the attendees .

  6. 此酒是一款口感强烈、有充分的设拉子果香味并得到了橡木丹宁充分支持的澳洲红酒。

    This is a powerful Aussie red with plenty of Shiraz fruit flavour and supportive oak tannins .

  7. 所有这些都有助于使伊朗设拉子的查拉库清真寺更显独特。

    All of which serves to make the Shah Cheragh mosque in Shiraz , Iran even more unique .

  8. 这款奔富宾8是澳大利亚加本力苏维翁和设拉子混合酿造的典范,传统奔富酿造技术的结晶。

    Penfolds BIN8 is a classic Australian blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz , crafted in the traditional Penfolds style .

  9. 这一山区有世界上最古老的设拉子葡萄庄园,有些可追逆到十九世纪四十年代。

    The hilly region is home to some of the world 's oldest shiraz vines , some dating back to the1840s .

  10. 这瓶酒的颜色也如口感一样独特,呈现真正经典的粗犷设拉子颜色。

    The colour of this wine is as distinctive as the taste and shows all the bold colour of a truly classic Shiraz .

  11. 香味溢满卡本妮苏维翁的黑莓和雪松的香味,并混合着设拉子的李子、茴芹和香辛料的味道。

    The lifted blackberry fruits and cedar notes of Cabernet Sauvignon blend perfectly with the plum , anise and spice aromas of Shiraz .

  12. 这一想法在社交媒体上引起数千名伊朗人的热议,很快传播到设拉子、锡尔詹、伊拉姆等城市。

    The idea quickly spread to other cities including Shiraz , Sirjan and Ilam , fuelled by thousands of Iranians on social media .

  13. 略带粗狂而荆棘。这款丰润,而具有传统特色的设拉子与产区相比更多的体现了多样化。

    Sweet and juicy , slightly unpolished and brambly , this rich , old-fashioned shiraz says less about its region and more about its variety .

  14. 它们的深度,温暖度,和款厚度体现了我们先驱的精神价值。这是一个全球首屈一指的设拉子地区。

    Its depth , warmth and generosity symbolises the spiritual values of these pioneers and is a tribute to one of the world 's premier Shiraz regions .

  15. 这款酒混合了设拉子和哥海娜两款葡萄,展现出诱人的浆果,黑醋栗的香气,并配合微弱的橡木味和可口的单宁。

    This blend of Shiraz and Grenache offers a generous combination of cherry , blackcurrant and all spice , well integrated with subtle oak flavours and fine tannins .

  16. 喜鹊是种黑白相间的大鸟,十分配这款酒的名字&黑色的设拉子和白色的维安尼亚。

    The magpie is a large black and white bird which is a most suitable name for this wine – a blend the black Shiraz and the white Viognier grape .

  17. 在澳大利亚(它在那里被称为设拉子),它酿造出一种完全不同的葡萄酒,黑色水果、巧克力和甘草的香气代替了美味的罗讷河北部香调。

    In Australia , where it is known as Shiraz , it produces an altogether different wine , replacing its savory northern Rh & # 244 ; ne notes with dark fruit , chocolate and licorice .