
shè bèi
  • device;equipment;facility;prepare;set up;try;implementor;set up defenses
设备 [shè bèi]
  • (1) [set up]∶装备以供应用

  • 新建的体育馆设备得很现代化

  • (2) [set up defenses] ∶设防;设置军备

  • (3) [equipment]∶指成套的建筑或器材

  • 冶金设备

  • (4) [try;prepare]∶设法,准备

  • 设备坚守

设备[shè bèi]
  1. 这个公司将总计投资160万元购置新设备。

    The company will invest $ 1.6m overall in new equipment .

  2. 它和其他类型的设备一样,也需要定期检修。

    Like any other type of equipment it requires regular servicing .

  3. 陆军正在把大量剩余设备拍卖掉。

    The Army is auctioning off a lot of surplus equipment .

  4. 这笔钱用来购置新设备可能会更有价值。

    The money could be more usefully spent on new equipment .

  5. 他们向我们开价300英镑安装淋浴设备。

    They quoted us £ 300 for installing a shower unit .

  6. 在特护期间给他使用了生命维持设备。

    He was put on a life-support machine in intensive care .

  7. 这家公司一直在投资购置新机器和设备。

    The company has been investing in new plant and equipment .

  8. 房屋价格包括固定装置和附加设备。

    The price of the house includes fixtures and fittings .

  9. 最好的设备花费大,但这种开支很值得。

    The best equipment is costly but is well worth the outlay .

  10. 博物馆有专门设备供失明和视力有缺陷的参观者使用。

    The museum has special facilities for blind and partially sighted visitors .

  11. 按现代标准,那台设备又慢又笨重。

    The equipment is slow and heavy by modern standards .

  12. 本中心有齐全的划船和登山设备。

    The centre is well equipped for canoeing and mountaineering .

  13. 他被发现家里藏有制造炸弹的设备。

    He was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home .

  14. 我们只有最基本的设备。

    We only had the bare essentials in the way of equipment .

  15. 录音设备安在了正在服役的飞机上。

    Voice recorders were retrofitted into planes already in service .

  16. 这种设备比较容易安装而且用起来便宜。

    The unit is comparatively easy to install and cheap to operate .

  17. 空间站上的设备是从地球遥控的。

    Equipment on the space station is teleoperated from Earth .

  18. 这种设备可从您当地的供应商购买。

    The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier .

  19. 这台设备是一项振奋人心的最新研究成果。

    This piece of equipment is an exciting new development .

  20. 设备定期进行检查。

    The equipment is checked on a regular basis .

  21. 这种设备仍处于试验阶段。

    The equipment is still at the experimental stage .

  22. 设备定期进行检查。

    Periodic checks are carried out on the equipment .

  23. 我们往返了几次才把全部设备运过来。

    We had to make several trips to bring all the equipment over .

  24. 根据新的规定,办公设备开支将受到严格控制。

    Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled .

  25. 这家公司已在最新技术设备方面投资。

    The company has invested in the latest technology .

  26. 他们在家庭娱乐设备行业中居领先地位。

    They lead the field in home entertainment systems .

  27. 新设备用光了本年度的预算余额。

    New equipment mopped up what was left of this year 's budget .

  28. 应该指导全体职员学会使用消防设备。

    Members of staff should be instructed in the use of fire equipment .

  29. 有了这笔额外资金,我们就能把设备加以改进了。

    The extra money will give us the scope to improve our facilities .

  30. 这家工厂还没有装置生产这类发动机的设备。

    The factory is not tooled up to produce this type of engine .