
  • 网络City of Design;design city
  1. 公司位于中国设计之都-深圳,主要业务以深圳为中心辐射全国各地。

    Company is located in Shenzhen city & the centre city of design in China .

  2. 希望北京市通过建设中国设计交易市场,进一步推动设计产业发展,为北京迈向世界设计之都奠定坚实基础。

    He hopes Beijing can further promote the design industry development to become a solid foundation for Beijing to become a city of design worldwide via the construction of the China Design Market .

  3. 深圳设计之都睥第七届文博会展馆。

    Shenzhen Design Fair pavilions are askance of the seventh .

  4. 设计之都的渔村渔民的关联与设计人分享!

    Design of the fishing village of fishermen are associated with the design to share !

  5. 设计之都的文化盛宴&2005中国·深圳首届室内设计文化节回顾与点评

    Culture Feast in the Design City

  6. 今年,这座城市正式面对这个难题,它一举改变形象,化身为世界设计之都。

    The city formally takes up that issue this year during its turn as World Design Capital .

  7. 校区分别于亚洲时尚都会香港,新兴设计之都深圳、传统时尚之都上海。

    Its campus is separately located in Asian fashion city Hong Kong , emerging fashion city Shenzhen , and traditional fashion metropolis Shanghai .

  8. 设计之都从深圳人和时代开始,让我们力求上进学习一些新的营销思路,多向国外的企业发展,让企业发展状大。

    Design of a man from Shenzhen and the era , let us strive to make progress in learning some new marketing ideas , many foreign enterprises development , so that enterprises develop with large .

  9. 还有在一些叔叔们在打鱼和补鱼网时,我也进行一些写生,上海设计之都把他们的每一个细节给记录下来,从此我的鱼民画创作就从这里开始了。

    There are some uncles and fill in the fishing nets , I also do some painting , to give every detail of their record , people from my fish paintings from here on out .

  10. 任何一项法律制度在制度设计之初都是人类充满理性的表达与期待,然而,在法律制度运行之中却充满了非理性因素。

    Any legal system begins with a design of rational expressions and is full of expectation . However , the operation of the system is filled with irrational factors as well .

  11. 即使在意大利当代设计的世界之都,70%的内销家具也都是古典风格的,艾比斯说。

    Even in Italy , the world capital of contemporary design , 70 per cent of domestically sold furniture is classical in style , ABIS notes .