
  • 网络Principles of Element Design;elements of design;Design Element
  1. 作为Alloy安装的一部分,您将Alloy邮件设计元素合并到组织的邮件模板中。

    As part of the Alloy installation , you merged the Alloy mail design elements into your organization 's mail template .

  2. 这些设计元素具有XML表示,可以在Source附签中查看并(谨慎)调整它们。

    These design elements have an XML representation that you can see and ( with care ) adjust in the Source tab .

  3. 新增加了维护Web服务功能的设计元素。

    A new design element let you maintain the function of a Web service .

  4. 设置Web服务设计元素的名称,比如Math。

    Set the name of the Web Service Design element , such as Math .

  5. Web服务设计元素将保存WSDL文档和代码。

    The Web service design element saves the WSDL document and the code .

  6. 以多Agent建模方法,使产品的底层设计元素协同一致、共同形成产品的最优设计效果。

    Through using multi-Agent modeling method and low-layer element of the product cooperation , the optimum design purpose of product is formed .

  7. 在Notes应用程序和传统的DominoWeb应用程序中,表单是关键设计元素。

    In Notes applications and traditional Domino Web applications , the form is the key design element .

  8. 您还可以创建View设计元素并将其用作View控件的基础,替换数据表。

    You can also create a View design element and use it as the base for a View control in place of the data table .

  9. 查看遗留LotusDomino中数据的常用方法是使用View设计元素。

    The common method for viewing data in legacy Lotus Domino is with the View design element .

  10. 您可以使用若干种方法在DominoDesigner中创建Web服务设计元素。

    You can use any of several approaches to create a Web service design element in Domino Designer .

  11. 而且还列出了所有Notes数据库的设计元素,例如表单和视图。

    It also lists all the design elements of a Notes database for example the forms and the views .

  12. 要实现这个RSS生成器,必须在PersonalJournal数据库中增加两个新的设计元素

    To implement the RSS generator , you must add two new design elements to the Personal Journal database

  13. Domino开发人员将很难标识要修改的正确设计元素。

    Domino developers will have a hard time identifying the correct design elements to modify .

  14. 访问某台服务器上的邮件文件的所有Web浏览器都使用这组设计元素,这些元素还被缓存在服务器上,以便获得更好的性能。

    All the Web browsers accessing mail files on a server use this common set of design elements that are also cached at the server to yield better performance .

  15. 为了限制图形化的范围以指定特定的设计元素,您可以基于序列图(sequencediagram)来指定图形化的范围。

    To limit the scope of animation to specific design elements , you can specify the scope of animation based on a sequence diagram .

  16. LotusDomino提供的设计元素使得在Domino平台上开发Ajax解决方案变得极为简单。

    The design elements that Lotus Domino provides make developing Ajax solutions on the Domino platform simple .

  17. 传统的DominoWeb应用程序依赖于主应用程序数据库中的设计元素,而DominoWebAccess主要使用表单文件中的设计元素。

    Where Domino Web applications rely on design elements within the primary application database , Domino Web Access predominantly uses design elements within the forms file .

  18. 这个Web页面少有新奇的设计元素来吸引眼球,这是我遵循前面所提到的有关最大化数据像素建议的结果。

    This Web page has few extraneous design elements competing for the eye 's attention , which hopefully means that I adhered to the prior sections'advice of increasing data pixels over all else .

  19. 计划和时间表:被计划的设计元素或者源代码VS.根据时间表实际的设计元素或者源代码。

    Planning and schedules : Planned design elements or source code versus actuals and against schedules .

  20. 本文假设您是一个有经验的LotusNotes和Domino应用程序开发人员,熟悉新的DominoWeb服务设计元素。

    This article assumes that you are an experienced Lotus Notes and Domino application developer familiar with the new Domino Web service design element .

  21. 您了解了如何使用DominoDesigner中的Web服务设计元素创建Web服务,以及如何在LotusDominoServer中部署Web服务。

    You learned how to create Web services using the Web Service Design Element in Domino Designer and how to deploy the Web services in Lotus Domino Server .

  22. DSL实现的这个元素是最关键的设计元素之一。

    This element of a DSL implementation is on of the most critical design elements .

  23. 可以通过查看V8设计元素来了解更多。

    To learn more about it see V8 Design Elements .

  24. XPageDomino设计元素概述

    Overview of XPage Domino design elements

  25. 使用选择性复制公式复制Domino数据库,其包含所有设计元素,但是不包含数据文档。

    Use a selective replication formula to make a replica of your Domino database that includes all the design elements , but does not contain data documents .

  26. 对于那些不太熟悉Domino技术的人来说,Domino数据库包含Notes文档和一些设计元素,比如表单、视图和代理。

    For those who are less familiar with Domino terminology , a Domino database contains Notes documents as well as design elements such as forms , views , and agents .

  27. 工具箱目录数据库中的Web代理设计元素必须使用LotusDomino服务器的证书签名,以允许为LotusiNotes用户运行代理。

    Web agent design elements in the toolbox catalog database must be signed using the Lotus Domino server 's credentials to allow these agents to run for Lotus iNotes users .

  28. 流行趋势元素(FashionTrendElement,FTE)是在未来特定时期和区域中能被目标消费群广为接受的设计元素代表了品牌服装在未来市场的潜在需求。

    Fashion Trend Element ( FTE ) is the design elements which would be widely accepted by the target consumers in the certain time and area in future , which represents the potential future market demand .

  29. XPages拥有一个视图控件,该控件含有视图设计元素。

    XPages has a view control that incorporates a view design element .

  30. LotusDomino负责处理所有的WSDL创建和SOAP操作,因此您所要做的事情就是在Web服务设计元素中编写代码,就像为代理编写代码一样。

    Lotus Domino deals with all the WSDL creation and SOAP handling for you , so all you have to do is write code in your Web service design element as though you were coding an agent .