
  • 网络oil producing area
  1. 高邮凹陷南断阶带地区是江苏油田的主要产油区。

    The south step-fault zone in Gaoyou sag is the major oil producing area in Jiangsu oilfield .

  2. 作为华北油田主要产油区的冀中地区,三维地震已经基本连片,勘探程度相当高。

    Jizhong area , the main oil producing area of North China Field , has been in high degree of exploration at present .

  3. 这是一个牧场与产油区的贸易中心。

    This is a trade center in a ranching and oil-producing region .

  4. IEA估计,到2035年,目前全球所有产油区的常规原油总日产量将减少4100万桶(平均每年减少190万桶),因此,伊朗可能增加的150万桶日出口量仅够弥补全球常规原油日产量头10个月的自然下滑。

    The IEA estimates that global production of conventional crude oil from all currently producing fields will decline by 41m b / d by 2035 ( an average of 1.9m b / d per year ) , so Iran 's potential increase of 1.5m b / d would compensate for just 10 months of natural decline in global conventional-crude output .

  5. 尼日利亚总统亚加杜瓦宣布,由于最近对反叛分子举行特赦活动取得成功,遍布尼日尔三角洲产油区的冲突结束。

    Nigerian President Declares Niger Delta Stable Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua has declared the conflict that

  6. 直到最近,俄罗斯仍被视为中东以外最有潜力的产油区。

    Russia was until recently considered as the most promising oil region outside the Middle East .

  7. 再者,供应市场不稳定,如伊拉克的混乱带来了整个中东产油区的恐慌与动荡。

    And uncertain supply , as the turmoil in Iraq generates fear and instability throughout the oil-rich Middle East .

  8. 我国的油气供不应求,当务之急就是找到更多的产油区。

    Oil and gas are in short supply in China , it is imperative to find more oil-producing areas .

  9. 下寺湾雨岔井区位于鄂尔多斯盆地的南部,是油田主要产油区之一。

    Yucha well field of Xiasiwan is located in the south of the Ordos Basin , which is one important generative area .

  10. 西峰油田位于鄂尔多斯盆地西南部,是长庆油田主要产油区之一,目前主要生产层位为三叠系长8组。

    Xifeng Oil-fied , located in the southwest of Ordos Basin , is one of the main oil producing areas in Changqing Oil-field .

  11. 尼日利亚是世界第8大原油出口国,但是在产油区发生的暴力袭击使尼日利亚遭受巨大损失。

    Nigeria , the world 's eighth largest oil exporter , is already suffering huge losses because of violence in the oil producing region .

  12. 另一个潜在灾难可能是油价进一步升高,比如在需求飞涨的情况下,某些产油区发生战争。

    Another potential disaster might be far higher oil prices still , perhaps as a result of a war in some producing region , in the context of soaring demand .

  13. 桑塔木地区位于塔里木盆地塔北隆起轮南低凸起的中部,是塔里木盆地重要的油气富集区和产油区之一。

    Sangtamu region , which locates in the central of Lunnan low salience of the Tabei uplift in Tarim basin , is an important area where petroleum enriched and produced .

  14. 近几个月来,暴力冲突已经平息,但是行业分析人员称,要断言产油区的安全形势是否有所改善还为时过早。

    The violence has subsidized in recent months , but industry analysts caution it is too early to say if the security situation in the oil producing region has improved .

  15. 中国向安哥拉提供20亿美元贷款,重建为多年内战所破坏的基础设施,这帮助中石化进入了非洲竞争最为激烈的产油区之一。

    China 's offer of a $ 2bn loan to rebuild infrastructure destroyed by years of civil war in Angola helped Sinopec gain entry into one of Africa 's most fiercely contested oil zones .

  16. 不过,这些手段也只能增加几万桶的日产量,难以阻止世界最大产油区之一北海油田长久以来的产量下降趋势。

    But such moves would add only a few tens of thousands of barrels of oil production a day and would fail to arrest the long-term decline of the North Sea , one of the world 's biggest oil provinces .

  17. 周边国家已发现大量大中型油气田,已成为世界海上重要的产油气区之一。

    Large and middle scale oil and gas fields have been discovered by surrounding countries , and this area had become one of the important offshore oil and gas producing areas in the world .

  18. 新疆现已成为全国第四大产油及加工区,是全国重要的棉、毛纺业基地和毛皮加工基地。

    Xinjiang has become the fourth-biggest oil producing and processing area in China , as well as an important cotton and woolen textile base and a fur processing base .